Food can be a treat.
An indulgence.
A familiar taste can take us back to childhood or remind us of happier times.
Food can be art. It can give us a place to be creative and innovative.
Food can bring people together. Whether it be a restaurant or a home-cooked meal shared with friends.
[Don’t mind the awkward selfie. I was excited to show off my make-up and Dave was purposefully swerving around so I couldn’t take one. I showed him. 😉 ]
All of these things can be said about beverages as well.
I experienced all of these sides of food and drink this weekend while hanging out with friends (including miss Mellissa) and while I’m grateful and wouldn’t take back any of it, I was also reminded that food is fuel.
[I did add carrots to that plate..which totally rounds out the meal. 😉 ]
It affects the way our body works. Every morsel we put into our body can benefit or harm us.
[Thank goodness for working at a healthy cafe!]
Read: I overindulged a little bit last night and woke up feeling horrible, terrible, no-good for the entire day. I missed out on a nice Sunday workout, getting the apartment cleaned, and watching Dave’s softball game… not to mention the throbbing head and queasy stomach that turned me into a giant whiny baby.
Again, it’s totally fine to indulge every once in awhile, but in order to feel like my best self and to accomplish anything, I need to fuel properly. I will definitely be focusing on that this week!
Aside from sticking to whole foods and H2O, I’ve decided I want to try out ENERGYbits a little more regularly.
I’ve sampled them many times now and am even considering becoming an ENERGYbits ambassador.
Not only have I used them for a steady stream of fuel during recent runs, but I have used them in place of my regular afternoon diet soda for a nice energy pick-me-up.
Things I like about ENERGYbits:
Real food.
-It’s made from spirulina and chlorella algae.
Nutritionally dense.
-Tons of B vitamins and protein are packed into one little pill.
Steady stream of energy.
-I never get jittery, but I feel more focused and energized with ENERGYbits.
-I never experience any kind of crash.
They make me feel good. I just want to reinforce the point that ENERGYbits are quality fuel that makes me feel happy, healthy and energized. As I said earlier…it’s important to feel your best whether you are running a marathon or trying to focus on getting a work project done.
Slight dislikes:
Smell. You can definitely tell they are made from algae when smelling them, but I combat this by swallowing them quickly. I’ve actually weirdly gotten used to it. You can also blend them into smoothies since they are real food!
Price. This is one of the reasons I am considering being an ambassador. (I’d be able to supply readers with a discount as well!)
You may notice I’m taking this opportunity to do another poll. I really appreciate feedback (the feedback on Friday’s post was amazing) and in return you could get some ENERGYbits!
Good luck and thank you, friends!
Check out my other ENERGYbits review:
Love Challenge Giveaway #3: ENERGYbits
PS I’m also extending my other giveaway since I’m not sure I made it clear that the race doesn’t only take place in Minnesota. Don’t miss out!
Linking up to:
Did You Know a monthly nutrition/fitness/health-related link-up
Marvelous in my Monday with Katie at Healthy Diva Life
#Bestfoot This Week with Amanda at Run to the Finish
What I Ate Wednesdays with Jenn at Peas and Crayons
Awww I love the pictures at the top, so cute, and so very true! Glad you liked Energy Bits. I was in the same boat, but decided against it in the end. They are a wonderful company though, and if they can work for you and you can afford it, go for it 🙂 Have a wonderful Monday!
True, it is pretty pricey! It’s the best fuel I’ve found thus far though (not made of sugar + natural + makes me feel GOOD). <3
Water was my friend on Sunday… I did make it to yoga but that was about it!
Dude it was weird how awful I felt Sunday. Maybe the mixture of different alcohols and splitting the meal with Dave and not feeling quite full beforehand? I totally laid on the couch all day whining!
Ok so your food posts got me so hungry at 7am. It all looked so good. Until you said you felt horrible the next day. The same thing would have happened to me too! It’s good every once and awhile but not worth it to feel bad the next day! #bestfoot
haha all of the alcohol I consumed is not pictured so that’s mostly what I blame the horribleness on. 😉 It was fun but I definitely can’t do that on a regular basis!
Hahaha! That would explain it! You had fun though and that’s what matters!
Girlfriend you SERIOUSLY need to be an energy bits ambassador!!!! I LOVE it and I LOVE my bits!!!!!! If nothing else do it for the discount!!!! And make sure you tell Jonathan that I talked you into being an ambassador!!! The other ambassadors are so amazing and I love seeing everything they post on the ambassador Facebook page!
!! exclamation points !! 😉 😉 Jonathan has been trying to talk me into it for years I swear haha.
Testing! 🙂
Testing too!
I’d use it to help me get through my weekday morning running adventures!
Yet another “blogger” thing that I need to get on trying! Though to be honest I’d probably pawn them off on the BF to help kick his soda habit.
So funny you mentioned that because I JUST posted to FB/IG yesterday that I needed to kick my diet dew habit. Duh, Amanda. BITS!!
I would use them to give me a burst of energy on my runs:)
Running. Always running
For lunch replacement – since I never get a chance to eat lunch…