I have lived in the twin city area almost a year now, but I still often feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface of experiencing Minnesota. [I just created a tab for my Minnesota bucket list so I can start adding things to it (and checking them off!).]
This weekend I was lucky enough to experience many Minnesota treats. If you follow me on Instagram…I Instagrammed like crazy this weekend. I would apologize, but…I’m trying not to apologize for everything.
First of all, I got my hurr did Friday.
Although I can get my hair done (yes, I do know how to say this correctly) in any state, this is an important detail. Partly because I only get my hair done once every few months (or once I cannot stand it any longer) so it really is a treat for me, and partly because I want to show you what my hair looks like when it gets done at a salon.
No matter how much I study my hair stylists’ blow drying moves, I will never be able to replicate this hot-off-the-press look. I mean I felt this sassy even though I wasn’t wearing makeup. The Target sunglasses definitely helped. 😉
I followed this up with a walk with my friend Alex. It was a gorgeous Minnesota day out and we got to chat about life and blogging as I pretended not to be afraid of all the birds circling us. I swear I still randomly jump ever since I got dive-bombed last summer.
Then I raced off (<-pun not intended) to pick up my Run or Dye packet that I had almost forgotten about.
On Saturday, I ran my second race in Minnesota this year. For free.
Could that possibly be right? I have lived here a year and only run 1 race?? I believe so…last year I did the Color Run in Des Moines, the Hot Chocolate Run in Chicago, right before I moved, I ran my first half-marathon in Lincoln, Nebraska, and I didn’t run outside between November and April. Ha! The only race I’ve ever done here was the Girls on the Run 5k!
Anywho, Kristin was nice enough to give me a free race entry to Run or Dye in St Paul (in exchange for a post on the subject), so I jumped at the chance to get all colored up.
I had to split pretty quickly after we finished the “run” since we ended up waiting an hour to start and it took us almost that long to get through the 5k. There was a lot of walking due to the fact that it was a fun run so most people were actually walking.
Why did I have to split pretty quickly? Because I was attending …
my first ever Twins game!
I know. Cross this one off the list! We have a friend in from out of town, so our mutual friend bought tickets to the Twins game Saturday. Dave and I joined them at the game (horribly late of course since I had to shower all of the color off of me and try to inhale a snack as we ran out the door).
The twins won, we ate hot dogs, drank hot chocolate, played with snapchat and Instagram…so to me, it was a pretty good time. Plus our seats were pretty sweet right behind home plate.
After the game, the crew decided to head to the St Louis park area where the one friend lived to continue the merriment.
We stopped at a new-to-me frozen yogurt shop called Forever Yogurt
…where I ordered a coffee. Duh. What do you guys get at a fro-yo shop?
Really I had been looking for coffee all along and this happened to be the first shop that sold it. Dave did buy some fro-yo and shared with me. The raspberry yogurt was fruity and delicious like a Starburst.
I also decided that the lighting there was perfect and pondered if I could buy that exact spot on the counter for foodie photos.
A slightly funny story…I was wearing my winter coat since I knew I would be cold sitting in the stadium with how windy it was and I did not regret my decision AT the game. However, since I knew we’d be walking around a lot, I decided to take my coat back to the car. Only I couldn’t find the car. I couldn’t even find the parking garage. This is how well I pay attention when I’m walking and talking.
I wandered around a full 10 minutes before going back to the group to tell them I am a goof. Seriously, Amanda?
Dinner was of the Mexican variety at Rojo!
Much tequila was consumed by everyone at the table including a shot the waitress bought us since we are all from Nebraska and she was a fan of the Huskers. (Don’t worry, she got a good tip.)
I had the fish tacos which were amazing, flavorful and not too messy. The re-fried beans on the side looked unappetizing…a different color than I’m used to eating so I didn’t even try them.
The night was finished out playing with our friend’s cat, Charlie or Charlie-Cat. (I couldn’t decide which picture was cutest..can you?)
I really want a cat now. Do you think I can convince Dave?
Tell me….
What did you do this weekend?
Do you have any suggestions for my Minnesota bucket list?
Which Charlie-Cat is the cutest? Charlie-in-a-box, Charlie-in-a-sink, or Charlie-in-a-bow-tie?
Linking up to:
Treat Yourself Tuesday with Becky at Olives n Wine
What I Ate Wednesdays with Jenn at Peas and Crayons
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images. Just hover over the image to reveal the “pin it” button or use the handy dandy buttons at the bottom and top of each post to display the whole list of pins.
Also follow me so I can check out YOUR Pinterest account! 🙂
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What a fun looking trip!!! Your new hair is so pretty! I am the same way and put off recutting/coloring until i just look ridiculous. I can usually get about 5 months lol
haha trip? I live here silly! 😉
Thank you! Yes, usually by 5 or 6 months it drives me carazy!
hahaha well shoot! Your life is like a vacation for me then!!! LOL those are all fun things I would do if I went somewhere new 🙂 You just have more fun!
haha it was a pretty fun weekend! That’s not quite the norm, but I’m trying to get out there more. I like the thought of my life being like a vacation..exploring everything like a tourist..which I kind of am since I haven’t lived here long. 🙂
I love walking around Lake Calhoun and Stellas restaurant- they have a great rooftop!
Yes Lake Calhoun should be on the list! And Stella’s although I went to the Blue Door Pub and they said their place was better lol
Ohh Minnesota Bucket List would include Chino Latino in Uptown (if you haven’t been already)… Cosetta’s in St. Paul (amazing cannolis and yummy food – fun before a hockey game!). I love Lake Calhoun, Stellas, The Cafeteria (all uptown) and Hell’s Kitchen downtown – the food is unreal. And the homemade PB is delish. I used to buy a jar every time we’d go. 🙂 Makes me miss living in the Cities.
This is all going on the list!! Thanks, friend!!
Your hair looks PHENOM!!! 🙂 You’re too cute! Work the selfies girl, WORK EM!
Thanks GiGi!! I’m joining the selfie movement after much hesitation!!
Charlie the cat is adorbs (I’m a cat person so I say yes get a cat!)..I was born/raised in St. Paul and love all that Minnesota offers (well except for the long winter days). I love Como Zoo, Grand Ave in St. Paul, take a walk over at St. Kates, History and Science Museums, Walker Art Center, and my fave city outside the cities is Duluth; it’s a nice getaway for a weekend. 🙂
Yes Charlie cat is awesome.
Great list! Deluth is one I want to do for sure!!
Do you still live in MN or elsewhere?
Yeah Duluth is a must and the north shore (one of my fave places in the state). Yeah I’m in Farmington now, just south of the cities.
Your hair is totally cute! Love it. I loved that snap I got of you and the boys and Dave. Dave did not look impressed. haha.
haha he was NOT impressed! I wish I had saved that video…still figuring out snap chat!!
go eat at leann chin! apparently its only in MN 🙂
and pazza luna in st.paul too!
hotel 340 and the st.paul hotel are super cute places to stay!
I forgot that you ran the girls on the run 5k… I ran that same 5k! We probably saw each other but didn’t even know! haha anyways…. love twins games! looks like you guys had fun… downtown minneapolis can be very confusing! I can’t believe you walked to your car by yourself. and fish tacos!!! YUM!!!!! I want some now please!!
I’m running the spring one next weekend…you should go!!