Looking at my nike+ app on the new iPhone (oh em gee that phone blows my mind! And makes me say things like oh em gee…), the last outdoor run before I went into Minnesota winter hibernation was in November. My first outdoor run of the year was done the day before my birthday on April 6th.
Whoa. 4-5 months of solely indoor runs?? Is that possible?
[I mean the lakes were still mostly frozen, but I was so excited to finally be able to run outdoors without fear of snow slip-age.]
I’m sure there were days in there when I could have gotten out and endured the cold, but I checked numerous times and my usual path was not shoveled. Even a week before my first official run there was snow/ice on the trail.
Basically, I played it safe and hopped on the “dreadmill” over the course of the longest winter of my life. I do like the treadmill though as running intervals and watching Netflix are made much easier..so I’m not really complaining about that.
But there is just something about getting outside and soaking up the sun, breathing in the fresh air and running outdoors.
It seems as though many Minnesotans feel the same way as me. Everyone is out and about now. Like I’m meeting neighbors for the first time because the weather is gorgeous and that means GET OUTSIDE.
Getting outside is exactly what I’ve been doing! I have run at least once a week in April and I don’t see that stopping any time soon. I am also hoping to check out other lakes in the area (in the land of 10,000 lakes I really should venture out more than I did last summer).
All of the outdoor running challenges are coming back to me, though…
- Should I run with water? Can I just drop off my bottle and loop back to drink it?
- Where do I put my keys?
- Oh yeah..outdoor allergies! Hello again!
- And oh my gosh the birds! Do you remember that time I was attacked by a bird last year? I swear I jump at every nearby squawk now and trust me..there are a lot.
Did I really used to do this multiple times per week??
But they still don’t compare to the awesomeness of running outside.
- It’s so nice to just upload my run from nike+ to dailymile. I don’t have to try to remember how many miles I did or how long it took on the treadmill…woot!
- Natural vitamin D!!!!! Goodbye winter blues!
- Time to think and/or clear my mind! Watching Netflix on the treadmill doesn’t exactly allow me to think about anything else.
- Listening to music and running has got to be one of the best things ever. Music and exercise can truly be healing.
- Fresh air! When it’s -30 degrees outside you really tend to stay indoors…especially if you are a wimp like me!
- Hills are a great workout and you only get the downhill action outdoors! (<–does that sentence sound weird?)
- Nature! I met a turtle the other day on my run! (see photo above)
- More steps on the fitbit…I have to walk a little ways to the path. π
I signed up for a 5K run this Saturday called Run or Dye with a blogger friend Kristin from Exploring Domesticity (whom I’ve not even met in person yet!). She was nice enough to offer me a free entry AND my readers $5 off! I’m sure I will also do a little recap post after the big event. I’m interested to see how this is different from The Color Runs I’ve done. I’m also a little nervous about bringing my new iPhone…I put my last phone in a ziplock bag but still ended up taking it out and getting it color-fied. We will see how it goes!
Run or Dye Coupon Code: RODSTPAULED5
Funny thing about me sharing this code: I never used to share the discount codes that brands would give me because I didn’t think people would use them! Usually I received them along with a giveaway so I thought people would just enter the giveaway and skip over the coupon. My friend Alex told me the other day she used one of those coupon codes to sign up for a race, so I thought I’d start sharing them. π
I’m hoping to sign up for more races to keep my outdoor running motivation high!
Tell me….
Do you run outdoors when there is snow on the ground?
Have you done a color run before? Which one?
Linking up to:
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
Fitness Friday with Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness
Did You Know a monthly nutrition/fitness/health-related link-up
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images. Just hover over the image to reveal the “pin it” button or use the handy dandy buttons at the bottom and top of each post to display the whole list of pins.
Also follow me so I can check out YOUR Pinterest account! π
Follow SemiHealthNut
I run only outside, but we have already enough warmly π Any snow! I ran when snow lay. To me it is actually unimportant anything, except air temperature and, whether there is a wind. I live on the coast and a strong wind at us the frequent phenomenon. When a wind in a face it is absolutely gloomy!
Running outside is pretty much the only way I can get a good run in. I can power walk on the treadmill as long as I have something to distract me, but I feel all sorts of awkward when I try to run…. which might have a lot to do with the fact that I have this subconscious fear that I’m going to fly off so my gait gets all messed up lol. But really, outside running is the best, especially when you’re surrounded by some beautiful scenery.
I totally get that fear on the treadmill. I run super close to the front so I can hold on when I feel like I’m going to fall! But for the most part Netflix distracts me. π
And yes running with beautiful scenery is the best thing ever!!
I wish I could watch Netflix on the treadmill! I can’t focus on anything because I’m sweating and huffing, but I’ve tried and it just doesn’t work for more than 10 mins. Wish I could though – it would certainly help me run longer!
It really does help! Maybe try doing walk/run intervals? That could help so you’re not huffing too much. π
I just started running outside again too! I am not a fan of the treadmill either, I think it is much harder on your legs too with the repetitive surface too! Not to mention running outside has gotten me running faster and longer than ever before! It gets me excited about doing some races π
I need to sign up for more races! Do you have any coming up?
Nothing better than running outside! Add a trail on a beautiful day and it’s bliss! I’ve run Color Me Rad a few times and have had the best time. Face hurting from laughing so much kind of good time π
Yes it really was a great time!!
I accidentally ran outside when there was snow on the ground because it started snowing while we were out there. UGH! Not pretty and my sneakers were soaked because not all of the sidewalks were clear. It wasn’t a good. π
I am glad I came across your blog today! I love Minnesota, but I have only been in the summer and I can only imagine how excited you are to finally get out and enjoy the outdoors after your long winter! There really is nothing better than running outdoors and enjoying nature!
I hope you had a wonderful time on your run. Can’t wait to hear about it.
It was pretty fun! I should have a recap this week! π
Putting my keys someplace is still my biggest struggle when it comes to running outside! It annoys me when I tie it on my shoe, it doesn’t stay when I wrap it with my phone, and lets not even talk about how it feels tucked into my sports bra π
I’m totally with you on loving that the midwest is finally thawing (though I have a lot of ground to make up because I took the whole winter off from running!)
I use RoadID shoe pouch for my keys! There’s a link on my sidebar! π
I can’t believe I ran a half marathon last year in May. I mostly trained on the treadmill because of crazy midwest weather!!