Target is my favorite. And no, this is not a sponsored post. I just really like Target that much.
Dave pointed out yesterday that when he was traveling all over, he enjoyed walking around stores like Best Buy and Target because they reminded him of home. I wonder if that is where my Target obsession comes from? We used to frequent the place with my mom when we were younger. There were two Targets we would go to. Mama Sue used to call one “Tar-ghetto” and the other “Tar-jay” (<-with a fancy french accent) due to their different locals. My mom is quite funny although at the time I think I rolled my eyes.
Anyhow, after finding out I had passed the NASM personal training certification two weeks ago (<-I promise an update is coming about what I’m actually doing with the cert one of these days!), I decided I wanted a treat. I had some birthday money and a gift-card to Target (since some of my family decided to celebrate my birthday a little early when I was in Nebraska a few weeks ago) that was burning a hole in my pocket. Beaming from my recent success, I headed to my favorite store.
The first thing I saw was all of the scarves! It was about 40 degrees at the time and I also figured I could still wear a lightweight one through the spring, so I found one in one of the colors I’m obsessed with as of late. Sea-foam green, maybe?
I also found a cute wallet and some much-needed sunglasses. Tell me these look like they only cost $10. Okay, up close, yes it’s obvious they are plastic, but one of the reasons I love Target is that it’s a good balance of style and budget-friendly.
I also decided to treat myself to some knock-off Toms (which are quite comfortable and were useful to carry me in my birthday shopping yesterday). See what I mean about style and budget-friendly?
Then I found some undergarments that were too cute to pass up. I debated awhile on whether or not it is appropriate to display my unmentionables on the internets, but at least I’m not wearing them, right? Also I’m pretty sure 98.5% of my audience is women. Plus they are innocent enough…
It has been said by certain people (ahem, Dave) that I have too many workout clothes. But what can I do when the Target brand workout apparel is buy one, get one 50% off? The bright colors just make me happy. (<-I am really starting to notice how simple my writing is haha.)
Not only do brightly colored workout clothes make me happy, they make me want to wear them and get outside. That’s exactly what I did Sunday when it was 50+ degrees out. Seriously, that was one of the best runs in months. I felt like I was running on clouds and rainbows and butterflies filled my veins. Every single song that came on was the perfect song and the wind in my hair just felt delicious. That good.
Of course it wasn’t just the clothes that fueled my good was also due to the fact that I feel like I’ve been stuck inside for years and finally the clouds parted and the sun came out. I can’t express how wonderful the sun feels after countless days of snow and frigid temperatures.
That was all after a few days of feeling super blah and emotional…so that might have had something to do with it as well. But anyways…spring seems to be creeping into the twin cities and I am pumped about it!!
Tell me….
Where do you find your workout clothes?
What is your all-time favorite store?
Linking up to:
Treat Yourself Tuesday with Becky at Olives n Wine
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There is SO MUCH cute stuff at Target right now, and I love what you got. I’m so into the spring colors–their my favorite anyway, so the fact that we are also trying to get ourselves extricated from this impossibly long winter is only fueling the fire. I just got a ton of new workout clothes for my birthday from Athleta and Swirlgear, but mostly I get my workout clothes from Target. And then I splurge every now and then when things go on sale–Brooks especially. I’ve also found some good things at Marshalls, Dicks, and REI.
Target is likely my all time fave, for the shear everythingness of it 😀
I am with you on the sheer everythingness. Seriously, I get it. 😉
I was at Target last night and had to restrain myself so I wouldn’t buy all the workout clothes! I shop at Nordstrom Rack, TJ Maxx/Marshalls, and Gap sales too. I LOVE workout clothes.
haha yes it is a serious effort to restrain oneself from the workout clothes…especially when they are on sale!!
I LOVE Target! 🙂 I had to get some new sunglasses a few weeks ago when mine broke the day before I left on a trip. I also bought a new wallet recently too. Love that Tar-jay.
Hooray for Tar-jay!! They had a whole friggin wall of sunglasses!!
Dave would probably have a coronary if he saw how much workout gear I own! Also, I hope the buy one get one 50% deal is done, otherwise I might be indulging!
haha I will have to tell him that so he knows I’m not the only one with tons of workout gear!
Oh I love Target way too much! I also like to get good, but affordable work-out clothes from Old Navy and even Walmart. Their Danskin brand is super and affordable. I have a pair of knock-off Tom’s from Target, too! I love all your stuff!
I’ve heard that Old Navy has really great and inexpensive workout clothes!
YES!! You know I love Target and it is the PERFECT way to celebrate TYT 🙂 Great finds, Amanda!
haha yes I bet you are missing your discount too!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE tar-jay!!!!! Yup I occasionally pronounce it like your mom in the fancy french accent! 🙂 My mom works for target so I’ve ALWAYS been a target lover! I love their workout clothes…. and omg those shoes are so cute!!! I might need to make a trip to target!! If my husband asks… I’ll blame you 🙂
Yes just blame me for your imminent Tar-jay shopping spree!!
Target is seriously the best store EVER (and also one of the most dangerous!) I’m addicted to their brand line of workout clothes, and their purses… oh I love my Target purses.
Seriously every time I go there I want to buy a purse or a scarf!!
Love it all, especially the chevron striped wallet and the tank tops. I do a lot of shopping at target, it’s my happy place 🙂 I do splurge with lulu, athlete, nike and other name brands too.
Target is definitely a happy place!!
Is is weird that my favorite store right now is Whole Foods 🙂
haha not weird at all!
Nice haul! I love Target – I actually think I have that exact same running top (the long sleeve pink one) in a purple. It’s my favorite! I wore it for my marathon this year.
I actually find a lot of workout gear at TJ Maxx. That place is a gold mine!
I need to start going to TJ Maxx. The Target is just right across the street so it’s so friggin convenient!!
Apparently I need to go shopping with you- I love everything in this haul!
haha yes let’s go shopping together!
its a nice post thanks for sharing. It quite a best place to choose the workout clothes.. Thanks Target