1. I keep writing the wrong date on things. At work we have to label and date product so we know when it goes bad. On the day of an audit this month, I wrote January on about 15 items. Oops. I must be living in the past…
2. I have a cold and am super annoyed by it. I am aware there are much worse things that could happen, but I am still very much woe-is-me.
3. I prefer carnations or daisies to roses. I love how fluffy they are and how much longer they last! Roses tend to crap out on day 3 for me. Dave knows me all to well and bought me 30 fluffy pink and white carnations for Valentine’s Day.
4. For Valentine’s Day, I am the one who purchases chocolates for Dave. They came in a Star Wars tin so obviously Dave had to have it.
5. I eat chocolate for breakfast quite frequently. I top my peanut butter toast with mini chocolate chips and nuts and call it good.
6. I really want to go for a run today, but am wondering what kind of repercussions it will have on my cold. Will it help to sweat it out? Will it make it worse so that I will be knocked out the rest of the day? I will probably debate this internally until dinner time.
7. I miss my family in Nebraska. A lot. So much so that I stalked my sister’s Facebook the other day and almost died of cuteness when I saw pictures of my nephew.
8. I have always wanted kids, but the older I get, the more excuses I can find for procrastinating the process.
9. But then I see a cute kid or baby and rethink my whole life. There was a little gal at work the other day who was chatting me up and I all of a sudden had baby/kid fever. She asked me to draw a heart on the top of her hot chocolate and my heart absolutely melted. Then there’s a regular who comes in with her son and he always hands me his protein brownie saying, “He-ya-go.” To stinkin’ cute.
10. I am trying to convince Dave we need to get a cat. I figure a cat is good practice for having kids. Plus I would LOL all day watching it do funny cat things.
11. Our Christmas trees are still up. A couple of days ago a guy at work was saying he drove by a house with a Christmas tree in the window and we all started laughing…until I realized that silly person with a Christmas tree up could have been me.
12. The plan was to take the trees down on Valentine’s Day which started out as a joke, then turned into a serious plan…then I got a cold and it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe by Easter…
13. I finally painted my nails on Saturday. I say finally because I had planned on doing it last Sunday, then Monday, then Thursday, then Friday. I mean it’s fun to have your nails painted, but the whole sitting and waiting for them to dry thing is the challenge.
14. I am super excited for the Walking Dead tonight.
15. When the Walking Dead first became popular, Dave was obsessed with it and I could NOT watch it. I mean it’s like a horror story drama…too intense for my usual preference in tv shows. Now I am the obsessed one.
16. I am also excited for the rest of Breaking Bad to come out on Netflix!! Side confession: I thought the last episode on Netflix was the last of the season…I just thought we were supposed to draw our own conclusions as to whether or not his brother-in-law would turn him in.
17. I signed up for a run in Nebraska, the Leprechaun Chase, but I don’t think I will be going down to run it now. We are planning on heading down the weekend after for my sister’s b-day and that is a lot of driving for two weeks. Plus I would be driving alone the first time which gets old fast (and slightly dangerous with the cold and snow).
18. I need to make a bucket list for all of the things I want to do while living in Minnesota. Things like snowshoeing and skiing and ice-fishing and seeing the great lakes. I feel like all I do now is hang out at the apartment, stare at my laptop or drive to work.
19. I am getting used to there being snow on the ground all the time, but was taken aback by the snow pile in the Target parking lot. I think it took up 20 parking spots while being 15-20 feel tall. That was only the one I drove by.
20. I kind of wanted to climb the snow pile.
21. I finally signed up to take the NASM test! March 25th. 1pm. I am so nervous and so far behind…ahh! (PS Let me know if you want to guest post for me in March so I can get ready for the test!!)
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Any confessions?
How long do you keep your tree up?
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Week in Review with Meghan at Clean Eats, Fast Feets
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
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I do many of the same things–including thinking I am going to paint my nails one day and then I say to myself, “but you have to clean the house and do dishes today.” I need to get all of my cleaning done early on in the day and paint my nails while watching Downton Abbey tonight.
Isn’t it freaky to schedule your NASM test and know the date!? I felt better once I had the date on the calendar and a goal in mind. It definitely kicked my studying into gear and I carried flash cards with my everywhere.
Yes that’s exactly what has happened although I need to start USING the flashcards I’ve made!!
Chocolate for breakfast is a must! It is the only time I actually have chocolate, but usually in the form of unsweetened cocoa powder! I go though the stuff like crack!
When I was driving home one day I saw someone who still had the tree up! But hey, it is so cold, and snowy everywhere, we all need to keep the holiday cheer…so no shame!
The Walking Dead is the only show I watch! It is done so well. But I can’t stay up that late on a Sunday night so I always watch it a few days later on AMC’s website (which is nice because I can put on subtitles…which I always need!)
haha I’m glad you aren’t judging me about my Christmas trees!! And I really shouldn’t be staying up to watch it (4am wake-ups on Mondays)..but I can’t help it!!
LOVE WALKING DEAD!!!! I hope you start feeling better.
Me too on both accounts!! 🙂
When you are ready to adopt a cat, check out Secondhand Hounds. They are a great organization in the Twin Cities. My husband and I have fostered with them and volunteer. We adopted our foster puppy through them. 🙂
That’s a great suggestion! Thanks, Ali!!
Pets are a great sub for kids… BF doesn’t know it yet but we’re getting a puppy wen we get an apartment… they just go together 😉
Good luck with the NASM test, that’s got to be super exciting!
I’d love to do a semi-healthy guest post while you study study study if you still need people.
Will the BF be excited for this surprise??
And yes I need guest posters! E-mail me! semihealthnut at yahoo 🙂
You should get a kitty cat. Better yet, get two so he/she’ll always have a companion.
Tip: after you paint your nails, run them under cold water for a couple seconds. It’ll make the nail polish harden and dry faster. I do it all the time.
Great confessions.
What..really? I wonder why? It seems like that would just mess it up!!
Lol And here I was thinking I was crazy for still having my Christmas tree up in the beginning of February. I finally took it down, but yeah… it was a serious struggle. And don’t even get me started on how long the box was lying around in my living room before I got my act together and carted it into storage. Talk about an eye sore. And I’m thinking I’ll have to jump on the chocolate-for-breakfast bandwagon. I’ve been craving the stuff like CRAZY lately, but breakfast seems to be the one time it doesn’t show up. Maybe if I started the day with it, I’d kill the craving and wouldn’t go crazy for the rest of the day? #wishfulthinking
You know I do find that I don’t get the crazy sugar cravings at the end of the day when I eat chocolate or something earlier. Maybe it’s just a psychological thing, but whatever keeps me from eating a whole tray of cookies! 😉
Haha my christmas tree is still up too!!
Yesss! Glad it’s not just me!!