Hey there party people! TGIF amiright??
This week has been a little crazy over here and I’m glad it’s Friday so that I can sleep!!
My boss is out of town so I am working a lot more shifts than usual in the next couple of weeks. Take that and add on the fact that I can’t seem to get to work on time for my later shifts (5:30 am I show up early..go figure), so late that I get my first Minnesota speeding ticket. Awesome. Then I have this amazing Love Challenge I am coordinating (it starts tomorrow!! get excited!! and check out the first Love Challenge giveaway!!).
Oh and I also agreed to start a link-up with two lovely blogger friends. A liiittle coordination is needed for these types of things so after I finished work, almost froze to death getting gas in the negative 20 degree weather, picked up Dave’s pants from the tailor (I refuse to stitch up jeans slash I am a terrible seamstress), rushed home to eat a salad the size of my face, worked out link-up details with the ladies, watched a tv show with Dave while I tried to figure out why my inlinkz wasn’t working properly, huffed around for awhile then decided to head downstairs to the gym to run off some stress…I now find myself drenched in sweat, hungry and needing to retire to bed for another 4am wake-up call. What. A. Day.
All of this to say…I don’t have a nutrition post specifically for today, but I am linking up some past posts as well as a couple of articles I’ve written on nutrition to make up for it.
I’d love you to join in with us! I wrote a little about this in yesterday’s post, but basically Emily from More Than Just Dessert started a weekly post featuring different nutrition topics and she decided she wanted to do a link-up each month with myself and Emily from Sinful Nutrition. Not only am I honored, I am so excited to have this motivation to write more nutrition related posts because the very reason I started this blog was because I have a passion for [semi-healthy] nutrition!
Connect with the lovely hostesses:
Amanda at Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
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Emily at More Than Just Dessert
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Emily at Sinful Nutrition
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You can also grab this handy button to stick in your post or on your sidebar to show the love!
We will be hosting this party the first Friday of each month and it will be open one week. So mark your calendars for the rest of the year and link away! 🙂