1. Two weeks ago I sang karaoke while in Nebraska. The first song I sang was with a couple of friends and the song was “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” I was fairly certain I could sing it with the lyrics, but guess what? The only lyrics that showed up were the man’s lyrics. I mean really? The woman part is the MAIN part! So my friend and I awkwardly stumbled through the song muttering random words. This still bothers me today.
2. I forgot to buy my nephew a birthday present slash I was too *ahem* tired the next morning after karaoke to get one before his party. I am buying him tons of Christmas presents though, don’t you worry! Good thing he’s only one and he will have no memory of his neglecting aunt.
3. I adore Chipotle. You probably already knew that though.
4. I am over-the-moon excited that I got Dave’s old tablet to work so I can take it to the gym and watch New Girls while I ellipticize or run. Distractions are good while on cardio machines. Plus…Zooey Deschanel! ๐
5. The chicken and rice I made in the crockpot was kind of a disaster. I think I overcooked it…the chicken turned out dry and it looks like the wild rice exploded or something. Don’t worry, we have tons of leftovers we have to eat now.
6. I took a zillion pictures of the aforementioned dinner, thinking it would be amazing and I could share it on the blog.
7. The cookies I randomly threw together after dinner turned out ah-mazing. It was even my first try baking gluten-free. I will be sharing those on the blog!
8. I might be able to recite Elf from beginning to end. I was crunching on Chipotle chips and guacamole so I couldn’t hear the dialogue, but I found myself saying it in my head.
9. I considered writing a post solely about my favorite Elf lines. I still might do that.
10. When I get hungry or tired, I throw temper tantrums like a child. The last one involved me dumping out my entire purse to prove to Dave I did not have his keys. They were in my purse. Cue crossing of arms and pouting.
11. The last time I did a Monday Moves post, I was complaining about the heat. Now if it gets over 10 degrees here in the twin cities, I consider it a heat wave.
12. I am super proud that I worked out three times last week. I know a lot of fitness/health/healthy-living bloggers pump iron 9 days a week, but my goal is seriously just to do intentional workouts 3-4 times per week. And I made it the past two weeks! Wahoo!
13. I am doing pretty awful at the Elf for Health challenge. I think it just might be too involved for my commitment-phobic personality since there are challenges every single day.
14. I am much more into the Move Happy Challenge. Not that I am picking favorites. Or maybe I am.
15. It is very humbling to attempt to run a full mile quickly and have to stop half-way through. I mean I had some digestive issues, but still. I did run 13 miles a one point this year.
16. I am awful at picking out presents. Christmas presents are super stressful for me because I’m embarressed that I rarely know what people want. It makes me feel like a bad sister/daughter/friend because I am so self-involved I have no idea what to get him or her. I went into panic mode Friday and bought presents for all of my immediate family members on Amazon. Let’s cross our fingers they get here on time.
17. We finally put up our trees Sunday. Yes, trees plural. Actually we went to Target and bought them plus the decorations since I forgot everything at my dad’s house in Nebraska. Dave always comments how if I had my choice everything would be pink and sparkly. I agree. I got my own tree to decorate myself to prove how lovely it would be.
18. I am seriously bothered that people like “Dave’s” tree more than mine. I know his is more classic, but I am far too competitive to care about those details.
19. My little Charlie Brown Christmas tree decked out with snowflake lights, pink, teal and sparkles makes me so very happy. It also makes me think I need more room for creativity in my life. And more pink and sparkles.
20. I should be sleeping because I have to get up at 4am tomorrow morning. Apparently the cafe wants to train me to open (which means 5:30am shift). Holy buckets is 4am early! And yes, with drive time of 30 minutes to an hour, getting up at 4am is a necessity. At least it’s a good thing they will be trusting me to open up the cafe all by myself, right? Right? Ending on a positive note for the win!
Your turn! Confess something to me! Christmas, fitness or life related! ๐
Linking up to:
Marvelous in my Monday with Katie at Healthy Diva Life
Thinking out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
I’m known to get upset when I get hungry. I also couldn’t do the Elf 4 Health last year and didn’t want to attempt it this year – too much commitment when I have too many already!
I love buying gifts and think I’m pretty good at it actually. ๐
I’m glad I’m not the only one having trouble with Elf for Health!
Teach me your gift buying secrets!! I need help haha!
Boy, can I relate to some of your confessions! Especially numbers 10 and 16! I thought of how bad I am at picking out Christmas presents for others as well. If my family members don’t tell me what they want, I am left panicking and thinking of just getting them cash. This year that’s where I’m at.
Stay confident about your tree! My husband said he didn’t like my tree this year, but to heck with them… we can decorate our trees and love them just the way they are!
I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s bad at presents! My sister is so freaking good she makes me look bad haha.
I love that you and your hubby have your own trees too! Great minds! ๐
Chipotle is definitely the best! And I feel bad I am sucking at the Elf 4 Health ChallengeโฆI think the daily challenges are just too much for me!
I think that’s what it is for me too…the daily thing. I think it would be better if there was a check-list and you could do things on whatever day you can.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s bad at presents! My sister is so freaking good she makes me look bad haha.
I love that you and your hubby have your own trees too! Great minds! ๐
Sucking at elf4health…yep! lol me too!
The tree on the left…Yep (sorry ๐ )
Working out everyday…NO!! lol
finding his keys and being wrong…..dangit!!! lol
buying presents…YES!! I always think of more ideas and then have to stop buying cuz I spend too much as it is. Although, with that said I didn’t have too many good ideas for Tim this year ๐
Okay we aren’t the only ones sucking at Elf for Health! I am still considering doing my wall sit but I definitely didn’t want to after the class I took today!
I think about present ideas during the year. Then forget them. haha! And I’m sure Tim will love whatever you get him! ๐
Elf is my all time favorite movie!! Not my favorite Christmas movie, but my favorite movie period!!
Way to go on the workouts!
Yes! Elf love for the win! ๐
So yeah, I’m kinda in love with this post…and you! I did a karaoke duet with one of my besties once to “Does He Love You?” and totally messed up by saying I was ok with taking Linda Davis’s part…um, yeah, I had NO IDEA what any of the words were! We ended up just both belting out Reba’s lines as the top of our lungs! Haha!
Good for you on the workout front! I’ve been out of the gym for a few weeks now and really trying to get that motivation back, but it’s definitely been lacking…I blame the cold. And it’s nowhere NEAR as cold here as it is for you up in the Twin Cities! 10 degrees? Are you frickin’ SERIOUS?! Ouch!
Confession Part 1: I always know what to get my mom and sister for gifts, but I NEVER know what to get my dad. Pretty sad that I had to ask the man-friend what to get my own father for Christmas…but I have to say, his idea was pure brilliance! It’s this cool electric heater fan from Costco for my dad to keep in his shed (which he is in 95% of the time)!
Confession Part 2: I’m pretty sure I’ll “forget” to mention that this particular gift was not my idea! ๐
Karaoke is supposed to be ridiculous, right?? ๐
I hear ya on the cold…makes me want to cuddle up and watch…Walking Dead? I can’t stop watching it haha.
That sounds like a great gift idea! Might it benefit the man-friend if your dad knew he had part in it? Just sayin. ๐
Girl, you’re my freaking favorite and I miss you. Can we have a girl’s weekend soon? SeriouslyโฆMaybe we could convince my boss I need to go with for their trip to MN next month (or maybe it’s Feb?)โฆright now it’s set to be my boss and the CEO, but the random A&R girl from CHicago totally needs to be thereโฆright?!
Oh and I often find myself wondering how I ever ran TWO half marathons this year when sometimes 2 miles is the hardest thing in the freaking world!
Yes! Come visit me!! If you really want to plan it we can do it on a weekend Dave’s working so it will be a total girl’s weekend!! <3
Seriously about the running! I feel like it takes forever to build up the mileage and then it's gone! Better get back at it if I we want to do any runs next year haha! ๐