Have you ever looked back through your blog posts or perhaps your diary and realized how much has changed?? I scoped out this nugget I wrote right after Blend Retreat 2013 for one of my all time favorite bloggers: Tina Reale over at Best Body Fitness.
I’ve been a tad uninspired in the fitness department if you haven’t noticed (read: no recent fitness posts to speak of aside from my recent 5k endeavors). Not that I haven’t been moving, but I have not had any real consistency. It is helping that I’ve joined in a couple of challenges on the web including the Elf for Health and the Move Happy Challenge hosted by some of my favorite bloggers.
I was motivated by the first one to try out some burpees (the challenge was 100 and I made it to 80 and nearly died..not even all at once!) and the second challenge is simply working out three times a week. I joined my sister at the gym Wednesday and boom! Two workouts done this week already. That is saying something lately.
Anywhoo…at one point I was posting enough about fitness to have the lovely Tina Reale have me on her blog as a “Fit Friend.” I thought I’d share the post with you all for fun. And because I left my camera at home in Minnesota and can’t do a bunch of posts I was planning on while in Nebraska. (Seriously, Amanda.)
Hello fellow fit friends! My name is Amanda DeWitt and I blog over at Diary of a Semi-Health Nut.
I am going to geek out a little and say I’m super excited to be a part of Tina’s blog today because I’ve been following her since her old blog (I think it was Fitness Faith and Fun??). I adore her mindset on body image as well as an overall healthy balance of food and fitness and fell in love with her honest writing style.
I try to show the same type of balance on my blog where I write about food, fitness, my experiences as a dietetic student and anything else that pops into my mind that must come out. I overall strive to share a realistic picture of food, fitness and life…fad diets not included!!
This tends to vary. I have caught the running bug in the last two years, but am feeling a little burnt out on that, so I’m switching to workout DVDs or exercises I tear out of magazines. I was also a huge Body Pump fan until I moved to a different city and didn’t see a real need to pay for a gym membership with an apartment gym a block away. I think it’s good to change things up!
Yes! I finally ran my first half marathon!
I had trained for three others and either got injured or sick, so it was such a joy to cross the finish line. I surprised myself with my overall pace and endurance when I barely trained the last month so this really makes me want to race again!
For some reason this was hard for me because I didn’t want “food and fitness” to be part of this…because that is a little obvious. So besides those things…
1. FAITH. I am a Christian and I need to say this more often! I try very much to show my faith and the love for people that comes from it in my daily life.
2. FAMILY. I have three siblings, so a relatively large immediate family and we get together every birthday and mostly every holiday.
I very much appreciate how different we are and grow to love my family more each year! I also have a new nephew and will tell anyone that he is the cutest baby alive!
4. HELPING OTHERS. Mostly I like encouraging women, helping them to realize that they are beautiful because I know that is something that as a gender we ALL struggle with. Tina actually did a guest post for me last year (I was elated to have her on my blog!) for my Love Yourself February where she shared her own struggles. I will also be able to help and encourage people as a dietitian (once I get through the last year or so of school and the year-long internship…and the RD exam!).
5. BLOGGING. Okay I said I wouldn’t state the obvious…but seriously blogging has helped me understand so much about myself and I have met the most wonderful friends through that and social media.
Find your own healthy!
-This includes finding the healthy foods that you enjoy and exercises that make you excited about getting up and moving. I like group fitness classes, but boot camps (with a trainer yelling at me) are too intense for me. I could eat spinach and carrots all day.
-Figuring out what you really love to indulge in helps as well. (It is OKAY to indulge!) I adore dessert, but could care less about fried foods, so that is what I treat myself to (every day!).
Everyone is different, so don’t think you have to take up running or eating kale just because all of your friends are doing it.
1. {Thursday Thoughts} Don’t Judge Me But…
This is somewhat of a confessional post on a couple of subjects as well as explaining my reasoning for my future move across the country (or what seems like it to me) to live in the same city as my boyfriend. This was sparked from some unfriendly judgement from a couple of people and the beauty of blogging is…you can always write up a response on your blog to a topic that peeves you!
2. Should Your Workout Leave You Sore for Days?
This was a very recent post and I loved the discussion that came from it! Sometimes it’s tough to admit things like how I could barely do the bootcamp style workouts, but it’s great to be able to encourage others and let them know not to feel bad or let a workout leave them feeling defeated.
3. {WIAW #61} Dave Style
Dave, the boyfriend, has been on the road and living out of hotels for a couple of years now.
Somehow I got him to share all of his decadent eats and got a glimpse into why he’s gained a significant amount of weight. (Food in restaurants are definitely meant for every once in awhile…not every meal of every day!) This post was a crowd favorite (probably because he’s super funny and adorable).
I just got back from Blend Retreat and I can’t help but say a little something about it.
As I said before, I’ve met so many amazing ladies through blogging! I got to meet some of them in person at my first Blend Retreat last year and our relationships have continued to grow. It’s just comforting to be around like-minded gals who don’t think you’re weird for taking the stairs…or taking pictures of all the amazing food you are eating!
I love making new reader friends! Feel free to comment below, or connect with me via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or e-mail: semihealthnut AT yahoo DOT com.
Okay I suppose not a whole lot has changed with the main points of this post, but that header at the top was my old one before I switched to WordPress, I was super duper into running at that point whereas now I’m taking a break (ish), my little nephew is so much bigger than in that picture (he’s turning one this Friday! eek!) and I lived in a different state. See? Change.
Tell me…
What is your favorite form of exercise? Do you do this often?
What has changed for you in the past 6 months?
Linking up to:
Fitness Friday with Katie at Talk Less, Say More
Fitness Friday with Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness
I love this post! I should do something similar. I feel like so many good posts just get lost in cyberspace! That’s crazy that you and D Money have been together for 5 years! #truelove
Aren’t they just too cute, too?! 😉
Yeah I like to post guest posts I do a few months later. It’s kind of nice to have those posts to put up when I need them plus I can high-light the blogger again! 🙂
Yes 5 flippin’ years!! Craziness!
This was a cool idea to feature an old post! I’ve only been blogging for less than a year but I still look back and think about how much has changed. I used to blog more about fitness and now it’s mostly food. I think winter is getting the best of us!
Well this was never actually on my own blog, but it was fun to see where I was 6 months ago!
I am definitely blogging more about food now too!!
As a new reader, I love this post to get to know you better! Over the last 6 months…well seeing as I’ve only been blogging 6 months I’ve learnt a tonne and continue to learn more. So far, the photography is getting some decent studying!
You are doing very well for only being in the blogging biz 6 months, friend. I don’t think I knew there were other blogs out there for my first year!!
I’ve been feeling uninspired as well! I realized what is lacking in my routine is just that: routine! I got so caught up in “don’t do the same thing every day”. That doesn’t work for me. Obviously i can’t just go on a 5 -mi run every day anymore, but I could do similar things or at least have a schedule. So I started doing that lumberjack workout I posted a while back (starting w/ 25 reps, working my way up) 3x a week + an ab workout from GPP (corrugated if you’re interested) 2x a week, and aim to do Pilates or Yoga once a week. I try to do 20-30 mins of cardio per day as well (walking is included as I’m no longer a workout nazi). When my injury finally heals I’ll add more cardio, but I don’t swim (gross) so I’m limiting it for now.
That is a lot of working out haha! I think all it takes for me is just doing something. And making sure to take my gym bag with me to work!!
Love love love … “Find your own healthy.” That is so important!
I struggle with writing about fitness sometimes, mostly because now that I’m so into crossfit, that’s what I’m doing, but it’s a little harder to write about in general, as well as harder to read for most people. So, I’m still finding my new “balance” with that.
And … I’m two race recaps late. Really, really need to get on those. Whoops!
I agree it’s really is hard for me to write about fitness sometimes unless I’m writing about a specific race or a specific workout…we should probably figure this out being health/fitness bloggers, huh? 😉 There are always the Friday Fitness posts, though!