When tragic events occur, or when we are reminded of horrific event in the past by their anniversary, it’s hard to know what to say. Or what not to say.
Do I bring it up? Can we talk about it? Will I look like I’m just trying to fit in like everyone else with their well wishes and condolences?
You see I was in Nebraska when the plans hit the twin towers. Far far away from the horror and chaos that was happening on the east coast. I don’t even know anyone personally that was affected.
All I know is that I was in 7th grade History class when it happened. It was terrifying and at the same time unreal. Things like that don’t happen in the United States…right? I mean we are AMERICA. Land of the FREE. Home of the BRAVE. Doesn’t everyone love us??
I was changed that day and I’m sure you were too. That’s kind of the idea of terrorism. To create fear. To destroy a nation without physically destroying the entire nation. These kinds of things will change a country and its people forever.
My heart goes out to those who were affected by these terrible events. I am praying that those left behind will feel some comfort today. Not to fit in with everyone, but because I can’t imagine what these people are going through. I know I need days like this to get outside of myself and put myself into others’ shoes.
So if anything, here’s a typical post about remembering a horrific event in history, with many well wishes and condolences. And virtual hugs.
Where were you that day? How were you affected?
I was in Kindergarten so I don’t remember much. But it was the day we left for the NJ Fireman’s Convention down in Wildwood which we go to every single year. I remember the roads being completely deserted on the way down. It was so eerie.
I was in Kindergarten so I don’t remember much. But it was the day we left for the NJ Fireman’s Convention down in Wildwood which we go to every single year. I remember the roads being completely deserted on the way down. It was so eerie.