I can’t believe my baby sister is turning 13 years old today.
I am now twice as old as her. So weird.
We got to celebrate last night since Dave and I are in Nebraska for the week. Much craziness ensued.
I already had other younger siblings but for some reason, I wanted another one. I wanted a little baby to play with. Probably because babies are super cute.
I would pray and pray for a little sweet baby to just show up at the house. Funny wish for a junior-higher huh?
I got so excited when we found out Mama Sue was pregnant with Miss Rachel. I read all of mom’s magazines, baby books and watched the instructional videos. I wanted to be prepared. This was serious business.
My prayers were answered when I got to hold my baby sister for the first time. It was a surreal moment for sure.
I remember babysitting her (and my other siblings) when mom was going back to nursing school. I remember small things like getting her to go to sleep (and stay asleep) and getting to dress her up. She was like my little doll and I loved it!
And like my mini-me.
Although she has grown taller than me, she will always be my baby sister. (My baby sister who has had the attitude of a teenager for the past couple of years….)
The answer to my silly childhood prayers. 🙂
Love you Rachel Ray!
*~Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut~*
Are you an older child or younger child? Or one of those middle ones?
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Aww!!! I am in the middle – I have an older and younger brother AND an older and younger sister… pretty much got everything but a twin! :p
Wow you do have one of everything haha
Aww!!! I am in the middle – I have an older and younger brother AND an older and younger sister… pretty much got everything but a twin! :p
Ah MAN! I remember when I was 13 and the world was so easy and there were no worries! 😉
Ah MAN! I remember when I was 13 and the world was so easy and there were no worries! 😉
haha right!! Those were the days!!
LOVE this. My ‘little’ sister is now 23, almost 24, and we are exactly 5 years and a day apart. I remember being told she was my birthday present, and even at 5 I thought, “LAME.” (Or something similar. ;)) Growing up, I always babied/”mommed” her, most likely because we spent half the time living with our dad and so I felt it my responsibility to do so…I’m finally realizing she is actually an adult.
So you didn’t wish for a baby sibling like me?? 😉
I really do wonder if/when I will ever consider Miss Rachey an adult? And it makes sense that you would baby her…the 5 year difference alone would do it!
haha, my sister is turning 25 this year, and she was due around my b-day too.
LOVE this. My ‘little’ sister is now 23, almost 24, and we are exactly 5 years and a day apart. I remember being told she was my birthday present, and even at 5 I thought, “LAME.” (Or something similar. ;)) Growing up, I always babied/”mommed” her, most likely because we spent half the time living with our dad and so I felt it my responsibility to do so…I’m finally realizing she is actually an adult.
haha right!! Those were the days!!
Wow you do have one of everything haha
So you didn’t wish for a baby sibling like me?? 😉
I really do wonder if/when I will ever consider Miss Rachey an adult? And it makes sense that you would baby her…the 5 year difference alone would do it!
awww I love love love this post.
awww I love love love this post.
haha, my sister is turning 25 this year, and she was due around my b-day too.