After yesterday’s post, some positivity is needed! I’m not gonna lie..doing all of that research on the topic got me pretty upset with humanity and I just wanted to lock my door and never leave (this hotel room?).
I think the perfect thing to start out with for my SHN Favorites (Semi-Health Nut Favorites…if you didn’t get that) with some funny finds!
I added this to my “Celeb Crushes” folder on YouTube because come on, Mila Kunis is awesome and this made me love her even more! I was seriously giggling and covering my face watching this!
Um seriously who doesn’t like looking at adorable kittens? If you are having a bad day, or just wanting something to make you smile and warm your heart, check out these kitty pictures.
How creative is this gal? This is a healthier version of what her mom used to make her, which made me a tad bit jealous at first, until I realized that my lack of interesting meals at home makes me excited to experiment in my own kitchen. Pretty much everything I make is a new adventure! And I REALLY want to try to make this!
These are supposed to be for St. Patty’s day, but I’m still definitely trying to add some avocado to my deviled eggs!
These kind of remind me of the salmon cakes I made in cooking class…although none of the ingredients are the same…they look challenging to keep together? There are also other quinoa recipes linked in the post and I swear one of these days I WILL cook with quinoa!
First of all, those baking dishes are adorable. Second of all, who wouldn’t want to try a HEALTHY chicken pot pie??
I think this recipe was intended for St. Patty’s day as well (check out all the green!), but I still love all of the different veggies Kristin added. I haven’t been to her blog in awhile and of course the first post I find a delicious-looking recipe I had to share with you all!
Not only are their tons of colorful vegetables in this pasta salad, the pasta itself is colorful! I love colorful meals and this lovely gal who created this veggie-filled recipe! Also check out the pretty photography in the post!
First of all, I got permission to use this gal’s photo since her site says to ask first (and she was super nice and responded quickly!). Second of all, I was almost going to stop following this blog because of all of the decadent sweets (I’m trying to focus more on the healthy foodie blogs…it’s kind of working), but I saw this healthified muffin post and I decided I should keep her on my blogroll. PS did you know that you can add FROZEN berries into baking recipes??
This gal wrote a post that was either loved or hated entitled “Dear Mom on The iPhone.” She simply explains her reasoning for the post here, and does not apologize for speaking her mind. I like that she admits she has her own issues and that she was also talking to herself in this instance. This is the kind of blogger I want to be…dropping truth bombs and getting everyone all riled up. Kind of. 😉
Okay I’ve read many reviews before, but after reading this one, I seriously wanted to go out and buy a pair of these….even thought I JUST bought new shoes.
Not that I really needed an excuse to eat my beloved cottage cheese, this article just proves how awesome it really is for the body, specifically in relation to muscle building.
Well, I have got to get moving on my nutrition paper I’ve been procrastinating over Spring Break. It’s about the Barker Hypothesis which states that the risk for chronic diseases starts in the womb, which is pretty fascinating if you ask me.
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Do you go to funny pictures online to make you feel better? I actually go to Netflix when I’m in a bad mood…and comedy shows or chicky flicks are what does it.
Is anyone else as in love with cottage cheese as I am?
Linking up to:
~All photos are property of recipe creators/site owners (as far as I am aware!) and you can find their recipes by clicking the link on the recipe name (in the post)!!
Thank you so much for including my spaghetti pie! I love all of these recipes… lots of pinning to do. 🙂
And YES to the cottage cheese addiction. I was trying to do casein at night, but I just hate the texture of it. So i did some research and learned that cottage cheese also rocks for overnight muscle recovery!
No problem! And I bet cottage cheese would be less expensive than buying casein protein powder! 😉
Thank you so much for including my spaghetti pie! I love all of these recipes… lots of pinning to do. 🙂
And YES to the cottage cheese addiction. I was trying to do casein at night, but I just hate the texture of it. So i did some research and learned that cottage cheese also rocks for overnight muscle recovery!
Saw that spaghetti pie on Laura’s site and was drooling!!
cottage cheese is something that we ate as kids, but now we do not eat much dairy for health issues but remember liking it. our grandmother loved it.
Right!? Looks so good!!
I’m lactose intolerant but it’s one of the things I’m still able to eat! 🙂
Saw that spaghetti pie on Laura’s site and was drooling!!
cottage cheese is something that we ate as kids, but now we do not eat much dairy for health issues but remember liking it. our grandmother loved it.
No problem! And I bet cottage cheese would be less expensive than buying casein protein powder! 😉
Right!? Looks so good!!
I’m lactose intolerant but it’s one of the things I’m still able to eat! 🙂
I always forget how much I love Cottage Cheese until I eat it. And then I don’t know why I don’t have it more!
I’m excited to try Laura’s recipe. My mom used to make Spaghetti Pie, too, so I was pumped when she made this recipe up!
I am in love with cottage cheese!! I missed out lol I had never heard of spaghetti pie until Laura posted it!
I always forget how much I love Cottage Cheese until I eat it. And then I don’t know why I don’t have it more!
I’m excited to try Laura’s recipe. My mom used to make Spaghetti Pie, too, so I was pumped when she made this recipe up!
I am in love with cottage cheese!! I missed out lol I had never heard of spaghetti pie until Laura posted it!