Well it looks like my last post was actually LAST WIAW.
(What is WIAW? Check out why I participate here.)
This shows how much school (I’m looking at YOU Chemistry class) is taking over my life. (Or I’m just watching too much How I Met Your Mother and it takes me longer to do my homework…nah. I’m gonna go with Chemistry is stupid.)
Every time I think of an idea for a post to share with you all…I get a guilty feeling because I know I have homework to do. And how silly would it be if I flunked Chemistry (I actually LOVE all of my other classes…2 nutrition ones and a fitness class!!) because I was too busy blogging?
You see, I really want to become a dietitian and be able to help people become their own semi-healthy selves. And sadly, I need about three more Chemistry classes after this one to do it.
Don’t get me wrong, I know everyone is busy…but I just have been feeling guilty lately for the amount of time it takes out of my homework to do a post.
Anywhooo…here are some eats that have crossed my path in between homework and Netflix and babysitting and more homework. 🙂
Many mornings I am eating this whole wheat toast with delicious peanutbuttery goodness on my way to school or work.
I am loving the natural Jif peanutbutter I picked up. I like the fact that it is low sodium since I know I need to watch this area in my diet (most Americans do!).
Chicken noodle soup! Super fast and surprisingly semi-healthy.
Leftover salad with cheese crumbles and tacos.
Remind me to share this spicy Mexican taco recipe with you. (Update: Spicy Chicken Mexican Taco recipe!) Actually that is one of the many posts that are still coming…including a story of how I got all of the ingredients for the authentic Mexican tacos.
I really wish this had turned out better. It was an adaptation of a healthy cookie dough dip creation on one of my Friday Five Foodie Finds, but I didn’t have a food processor, only a blender. Apparently they don’t work the same? The texture was pretty weird and the BF said it didn’t taste sweet enough…so we added applesauce, then I thought it tasted too sweet. *sigh*
At least I know what not to do now right!? I definitely need to work on the recipe more…one of my few dessert fails (not bragging, but I am usually pretty good with desserts!).
I have so many posts to share with you!!
- Mexican grocery store fun
- Mexican spicy chicken taco recipe
- Cutting down on internet time wasters
- Brownies
- Weight training plan
- My awesome walking scenery
- And more…
I promise they are coming! But guess what I need to be doing right now…?
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Do you have any time-saving tips having to do with blogging for me?
What are you better at…cooking or baking?
Linking up to the lovely Jenn at Peas and Crayons:

oh girl, i’m totally with you. i just signed up for 3 classes next semester, and i’m working fulltime. so I’m going to get rid of Tuesday Tutes and Loot (as a linkup — I’ll still do it sometimes — nobody participates anyway), and probably blog at the most 3x a week. I have a lot of content that’s evergreen and has been in draft mode for ages, so that’s going to be whipped out come January (but I have a feeling I’ll work through it rather quickly).
eek good luck to you! Sad about your tuesday link-up…I think I linked once! 🙂 That’s a good idea to have some posts in draft mode. All I have is random paper with ideas written down and folders of pictures on my desktop.
oh girl, i’m totally with you. i just signed up for 3 classes next semester, and i’m working fulltime. so I’m going to get rid of Tuesday Tutes and Loot (as a linkup — I’ll still do it sometimes — nobody participates anyway), and probably blog at the most 3x a week. I have a lot of content that’s evergreen and has been in draft mode for ages, so that’s going to be whipped out come January (but I have a feeling I’ll work through it rather quickly).
So I just started reading your blog, and I happened to read todays. I am studying to become a dietitian as well, and really LOVE chemistry so if you need help let me know! O and me and my roomie both struggle with the whole “having time to blog” it is hard. But remember there is always time when that test is over to blog. The school should come a little ahead in my opinion! I just try to make time like once a week to recep/share something on my mind!
omg I wish you could tutor me!! I’m seriously considering getting one because I have A LOT more chemistry to go!!
Aww you poor girl, but I feel like I’m looking into a looking glass. I should really do more studying and I’m trying to kick it up a notch. The SCIENCE aspect of this training is really difficult for me which is frustrating. But I bought a book today that I think will help me with the anatomy side of it…good luck to you!
Ya you don’t even have a teacher!! I don’t know if I could learn science by myself. I actually found anatomy and physiology FASCINATING when I took it at the community college, but the anatomy didn’t transfer and I didn’t want to take it again…that’s part of the reason I switched to dietetics from Nutrition/Exercise science. Sometimes I wonder if I should bit the bullet and switch back? decisions, decisions!
Don’t worry- the chickpea cookie dough is a frequent feel for me too. 🙂 It’s not bad; it just doesn’t taste exactly like cookie dough. Chockohlawtay.blogspot.com has some great, protein-filled chickpea cookie dough recipes that are fabulous! No-fails for sure 😀
I like baking better, but I have never failed at cooking before… I’d still take a cookie over casserole any day though.
YES! Cookies ftw! And thanks for the website, I will have to check it out! 🙂
Don’t worry- the chickpea cookie dough is a frequent feel for me too. 🙂 It’s not bad; it just doesn’t taste exactly like cookie dough. Chockohlawtay.blogspot.com has some great, protein-filled chickpea cookie dough recipes that are fabulous! No-fails for sure 😀
I like baking better, but I have never failed at cooking before… I’d still take a cookie over casserole any day though.
So I just started reading your blog, and I happened to read todays. I am studying to become a dietitian as well, and really LOVE chemistry so if you need help let me know! O and me and my roomie both struggle with the whole “having time to blog” it is hard. But remember there is always time when that test is over to blog. The school should come a little ahead in my opinion! I just try to make time like once a week to recep/share something on my mind!
Aww you poor girl, but I feel like I’m looking into a looking glass. I should really do more studying and I’m trying to kick it up a notch. The SCIENCE aspect of this training is really difficult for me which is frustrating. But I bought a book today that I think will help me with the anatomy side of it…good luck to you!
I cannot wait for your mexican taco recipes!! They sound delicious 🙂
They were so good!! Hope you like spicy! 🙂
I cannot wait for your mexican taco recipes!! They sound delicious 🙂
Nope, it’s definitely not HIMYM, Chemistry IS stupid. Distinctly remember that as my least favorite class 🙂 And we totally have the same chew vitamins. Costco?
Thank you!! I’m not the only one who STRONGLY dislikes it!!
I get my vitamins at HyVee or Target. This poor college girl can’t afford a costco membership! 😉
eek good luck to you! Sad about your tuesday link-up…I think I linked once! 🙂 That’s a good idea to have some posts in draft mode. All I have is random paper with ideas written down and folders of pictures on my desktop.
omg I wish you could tutor me!! I’m seriously considering getting one because I have A LOT more chemistry to go!!
Ya you don’t even have a teacher!! I don’t know if I could learn science by myself. I actually found anatomy and physiology FASCINATING when I took it at the community college, but the anatomy didn’t transfer and I didn’t want to take it again…that’s part of the reason I switched to dietetics from Nutrition/Exercise science. Sometimes I wonder if I should bit the bullet and switch back? decisions, decisions!
They were so good!! Hope you like spicy! 🙂
Nope, it’s definitely not HIMYM, Chemistry IS stupid. Distinctly remember that as my least favorite class 🙂 And we totally have the same chew vitamins. Costco?
Thank you!! I’m not the only one who STRONGLY dislikes it!!
I get my vitamins at HyVee or Target. This poor college girl can’t afford a costco membership! 😉
YES! Cookies ftw! And thanks for the website, I will have to check it out! 🙂
I’m trying to get better at cooking, but baking is so much easier! Cooking is pretty fun because it’s not an exact science, so I don’t have to follow recipes!
I’m trying to get better at cooking, but baking is so much easier! Cooking is pretty fun because it’s not an exact science, so I don’t have to follow recipes!