My running goal is a 10K September 25th. I am doing…okay. Before today I didn’t run OR workout for SIX DAYS…
But today was a good running day! I am soooo grateful for the break we’ve had from the deadening humidity and heat because if I had run at noon last week…there would probably be no post today because I may have keeled over from dehydration.
I went a little over 3 miles in 38 minutes for about 12mph ave. 🙂 You can follow my running on The Daily Mile, a sweet site I just discovered to keep track of running and get motivation from others…it’s great! It even syncs with my Garmin Watch It also makes me feel like people care that I am running at all and gives me a good guilt when I haven’t posted and others post daily. Motivation!
- Superchick “It’s On” is awesome to run to…corny but awesome
- Items such as a Garmin watch and an Ipod tend to get super gross after 3 miles out in the sun
- It is best to be fully hydrated otherwise stomach cramping will ensue
- A new running path helps you run further because there are new things to look at
- When I’ve gotten a good run in…my hair tends to look CRAZY
- I need new running shoes but I will continue to use these until I do my race in September
- I get a good sprint in when I run by the bridge surrounded by woods nearby my neighborhood park because I have seen too many scary movies where people get stolen. Really I run like crazy for about a quarter of a mile.
A follow-up from my post R.I.P. Mr. Coffee …
The Daddio actually had a spare coffee maker in the garage! Although I gawked over many pretty coffee makers that friends suggested…free worked for this girl!
It is even a little more fancy than Mr. Coffee…it has the time on it and I can set it to brew in the morning! This will be VERY USEFUL once fall classes start again! 🙂
I like this coffee pot except it has WEIRD coffee filters that smell funky…not so sure about these. They don’t affect the taste of the coffee so that is good, but now when I brew the coffee it’s not only the delightful smell of freshly brewed Dunkin’ Doughnuts coffee…but a funky after smell…maybe it will go away eventually? I also have a hundred of the regular coffee filters so if anyone would like them…all yours!