Hey peeps,
I really don’t know how people blog EVERY DAY!! Because when I blog, I not only post on my wall, but I mess with settings on my blog, read other blogs and pretty soon TWO HOURS have gone by and I realize I have a ton of homework to get done before bed and work in the morning!!
So I actually set a timer of 35 minutes (it was preset for laundry lol) so let’s see how we do.
I wanted to share with you a DELIGHTFUL recipe for chocolatey oatmeal cookies. Since I have limited time, I have not figured out the calorie count, but if you are interested just comment and I will figure it out for ya!
I got this recipe in a book that my wonderful mother gave me called, Crazy About Chocolate. Nice title huh? She knows me too well!
I tried to make these before, but realized in the middle of making them that I only had instant oatmeal in the little packets…and they did not turn out so great. So FYI use the oatmeal specified! 🙂
“Analucia’s Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies”
(Whoever Analucia is, she’s a genius!)
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
2 cups sugar
1 stick of butter or margarine (I used butter, but depending on your stand on margarine, the marg. has less fat)
1/2 cup milk (I used light vanilla soy because that is what I had in my fridge!)
1/2 cup peanutbutter (protein!)
3 cups oatmeal (I used Quaker’s Oldfashioned Oats)
1 tsp vanilla (now that I think about it…I accidently used a TABLEspoon! Turned out just fine)
Semi-Health Nut’s instructions:
Melt butter in a saucepan, add sugar, vanilla, then cocoa.
Turn the heat up high while stirring and boil 1 1/2 minutes.
Remove from heat.
Add peanutbutter..it will get all melty and delicious looking and you will probably want to taste-test…but it’s hot!! Adding a little more peanutbutter will add protein 🙂
Proud running side note:
I ran outside 5 miles and it felt AWESOME! Such a good feeling to have accomplished that and my time was 53 minutes. Ran with my Garmin watch too! I will post about the watch soon…once I get the hang of all the sweet things it can do. 🙂
Happy chocolate snacking!!
Comments are welcome!!
(Finished right on time!)
For more info on healthy sweets: Making cookies and other sweet treats