February 26th (although I started this last week)
With the change of the seasons, my body has decided to rebel again. I’m pretty sure it’s a cold…which is not awesome because those can linger! But with my immune system, I’m usually only out a week or so…depending on how much I rest. But it is soooo hard to rest when I know I have only a little over 2 months of training left! May 1st is quickly approaching!
I did run outside February 15th about a couple of miles. Running outside is so much different than a treadmill! Of course I knew this, but it didn’t really set in until I actually put on my shoes and decided I didn’t want to take my nice gym shoes outside so I put on my old ones. Then when I got outside there was gravel and mud everywhere. And the hills! How different is it to run up and down hills! But a good thing about being outside is the scenery. Not that running outside in February is particularly beautiful but it’s a little bit more fun than people watching at the gym (a little) and constantly looking down to see how much further I have to run.
I ran again for the first time today since last Tuesday’s run. I drank a ton of water yesterday because I was going to run yesterday and wimped out, then I drank a lot today. I think this is why my stitches were much better today. They didn’t start until after 2 miles and then I walked a little bit after 2.5 miles. I ran a total of 3.5 miles which was surprisingly not as hard as I thought it would be. I may have to think Dr. Phil for this…not because of any advice I took of his…but because his show was on in the gym as I ran so reading the subtitles of the crazy and disturbing show gave me something else to focus on besides running.
I am going to try to run another 3.5 miles tomorrow and then 4 miles on Saturday, although for my training schedule it should be 5 miles. We will see how I feel! 5 miles seems achievable, but I am still a little nervous for that. Speaking of 5 miles, my mom just told me that in high school she used to run 5 miles EVERY DAY and then usually 10 miles on Saturdays! I knew she ran track, but I didn’t realize how dedicated she was! She said it helped to relieve stress, so she probably wasn’t focused on how hard it was. I heard an actress say that when she ran it gave her time to think about her life, issues, etc. Maybe I should try that to not focus on the run itself? That seems to be one of the issues I’ve had in the past with running…is that it can get boring.
Hopefully the weather will get nicer so I can run outside again!
Happy running! Whether it be inside or out… 🙂