Hello lovely readers!!
First of all, I would like to thank those of you who have filled out a blog survey. Like seriously I appreciate it because I know it takes time away from your busy day. Whether you have positive or negative feedback..just the response shows that you care enough about this blog to help me improve.
Secondly, I can’t believe it took me two months to go through the results?? I am sending the giveaway winner an extra $5 because I’m a terrible procrastinator. Congrats, Lynne and thanks for your patience!
Thirdly, I hurt my wrist at work, so the typing is kind of hurting right now…(please note and be impressed by the serious dedication to getting these results on the blog)
Conducting a Blog Survey
For those bloggers out there, I highly encourage you to conduct a survey every once in awhile.
–You can ask those burning questions and readers can respond anonymously.
–You can figure out what your audience enjoys about your blog and things you could change.
–Be a little bit nosy about things like how long they’ve been reading.
–Shows the reader you value their input.
Procrastinating Blog Survey Results
I think part of the reason why I waited to go through the midyear blog survey was because I generally have to be in a good mood to look at reader feedback. Even one bad comment can derail my day (my fault, I know), so I just pushed it off. And if you’re a procrastinator like me, you know that once you put something off, it’s easier to keep pushing it off longer and longer and longer until you’re like, “holy crap I’m the worst I need to just do this!!”
Thursday was the perfect time since I knew I had Jess’s lovely post scheduled already AND I had just finished my ebook (if you haven’t already, subscribe here to receive it!), so there was seriously no excuses. Aside from being a tad sleepy.
But the good mood thing is clearly happening because I was able to giggle at some of the responses (instead of stress out over them).
Some Funny Blog Survey Responses
–One person told me to stop posting pictures of my cat (7 other people said MORE Zoey cat haha). Sorry non-cat person. I don’t think I overdo it too much, though right?
–Whoever answered every question with, “have more giveaways,” thank you. You made me giggle. It’s true that I haven’t posted one in awhile and I definitely appreciate the feedback, but I’m impressed how you made the word giveaway happen in answer to each question. LOL
Midyear Survey Results 2015
1. How long have you been reading DSHN?
It’s interesting how readers change over the years as I grow and change. Kind of like friends IRL, right? Not gonna lie, it makes me sad to lose people sometimes, that’s life I suppose. My Google analytics show that 80% of my readers are new..crazy!
2. How often do you read DSHN?
I’m not offended at all because usually I only post once or twice a week, ha! Not that I should be offended anyways. I’m actually surprised that anyone reads every single time I post (the orange bar).
3. Is my blog easy to navigate? (ex can you find what you’re looking for? does it load easily or comparably with other blogs that have ads?)
I feel like I’ve gotten the slowness issues resolved (working with Accelerated WP for my blog hosting). I definitely appreciate that the majority of you stick around and wait for it to load when it is moving slowly!
4. Do you enjoy my Inspire Me Monday posts?
This question may be null now…I moved the Inspire Me Monday link-up to my other blog.
5. Do you frequently leave comments on my blog? (help me gauge whether or not a zero comment post means it was a bad post)
This definitely makes sense since more and more people are reading blogs on their mobile devices, but it doesn’t help when I see other blogs get a bazillion comments while my last post got two. Ya know? That whole comparison trap thing. It is good to know that every time I get very few responses that it’s not because you all HATE the post (which is my natural first reaction).
6. Would you like to see posts on wedding planning (since I’m newly engaged, this is new territory for me)?
Absolutely nothing has happened in the wedding planning arena yet (not even a date), but this is good to know for the future!
7. Why do you LIKE to read Diary of a Semi-Health Nut?
I’m so happy you guys are into my recipes because that’s what I’ve been focusing on lately! Recipes are also something my friends IRL comment about, so this is definitely reassuring my efforts to focus on recipe creation and foodie photography. The trick for me is actually getting those posts on the blog since the pictures tend to sit on my camera for weeks. #procrastinatorextraordinaire
The second most popular is the “realistic perspectives on food, fitness and life” and this also makes me super happy because that’s kind of what this blog is all about!
I’m also surprised at how popular the informational and fitness posts because those get less comments, but again, from question 5, I need to remember that most people that read DON’T comment. 🙂
8. What do you DISLIKE seeing on Diary of a Semi-Health Nut?
It seems for the most part you guys read when you want to read and nothing bugs you too badly. I will probably post some blogging tips and race recaps eventually though. Cuz I like talking about that stuff.
The giveaway-crazy person’s response: “When I don’t see giveaways, and worst of all, they don’t put up who won the giveaways.”
9. I like reading Diary of a Semi-Health Nut, but I wish you would just… (aka what would you like me to change?)
More recipes and workouts! Got it. Also a lot of the “other” written responses said more cat pics. 😉
10. What types of recipes would you like to see on DSHN?
Very interesting that you guys want to see the smaller portioned meals! I did post my BLT wrap after glancing at the survey results AND created a new category called Meals for One (or Two). Woot!
The giveaway-crazy person: I want to see more giveaways. (LOL. So do you think this person wants more giveaways..or….)
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Tell me…
What do you guys think? Any results surprise you?
Should I dig out the survey from January and go through the results with you guys?
Don’t Miss a Semi-Healthy Update!
PS I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images! You should also check out my pumpkin board…because it’s almost pumpkin season!!
Follow Diary of a Semi-Health Nut’s board Food [ Pumpkin ] on Pinterest.
Linking up to: Thinking Out Loud (All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
Almost pumpkin season? Umm…it’s pumpkin season for me as soon as the calendar turns over to September 🙂 I totally agree with you about how helpful it is to do a survey. I recently did one on my blog and found it useful. You really get to know things you don’t from analytics and comments.
bahaha you are so right! I need to take out the “almost.”
And it’s true the survey can tell you so much more about the individual!
Hope your wrist feels better! This is a good idea…I’ll totally think about doing this sometime before the year ends!
Thanks lady, you should! Always very interesting. 🙂
Get that wrist feeling better, my friend! <3
It’s feeling a little better today, so that’s encouraging! 🙂
Interesting! I really need to do one of these… I’m noticing my Monday, Wednesday and Thursday posts are the most read, so I’m thinking about dropping my link round-up Friday post. Less posting = same traffic would be great1
Someone told me that those are the days that post do the best on…very interesting, but I think I will continue posting on Fridays. 🙂 Do what works for you!!