Hey friends and Happy Monday to you all!
I hope you are enjoying the three day weekend for me because I have been working my booty off at the café every single day of it..ha! I even went for a run before work on Saturday, so I can tell you my legs will be hurting by the end of today. At least I’m getting my fitbit steps in?
I thought today it would be fun to do another confessions post. I’m really liking having Mondays just to chat about random things!
I hope these confessions posts give you a little peek into my brain (if you’re into that sort of thing) and might either entertain you or likely make you feel a little better about your own life. Cuz I definitely don’t have it all together.
These are my confessions…
1. Sometimes I eat the same breakfast over and over for weeks without changing it.
I pretty much always do some sort of bread and some sort of nut butter. I change it up after a couple of weeks, but I still feel like a bad food blogger for being so boring with my breakfast. I mean, I do add sprinkles sometimes…or a delicious cocoa mocha nut butter…
2. I sit outside and run sans sunscreen.
Granted, these periods of time are short, but sometimes when I’m out on my 40ish minute run, I think about skin cancer.
[ And I get excited about shoe pouches. Follow me on snapchat: SEMIHEALTHNUT ]
I think I justify it to myself because sunscreen makes me break out (I know, I can be so vain sometimes) AND I know vitamin D is good for me (helps with the whole depression thing). Maybe I need a rule of thumb like if I’m going to be outside for more than an hour, I need to slather it on?
3. I love coloring.
When we had the ladies’ weekend, my friend Calee brought Lisa Frank coloring books. I had the best time coloring. Seriously. About a month before that, I had bought a ton of permanent markers and a sketch book in an attempt to get back into hand lettering (as part of a master plan of being the best hand-letterer ever who would get hired to design blog logos with her awesome hand lettering skillz).
Welp, I have busted out the markers and have been coloring and doodling and having fun getting creative with my hands again! Typing and editing photos are fun, but there’s something about sitting outside (cough without sunscreen cough) with a bunch of colorful markers and making something pretty. I even wrote a post about it on my other blog!
4. We still haven’t set a date.
I think my family has given up on asking, which is totally fine, but Dave and I got engaged months ago and still haven’t really talked about a date. It’s tough when we still feel like other things are a priority. (The first thing on the priority list was getting Dave a job and we just crossed that off the list!)
Plus, weddings are freaking expensive and stressful. Can’t we just not and say we did?
5. I feel like I’m doing a bad job at having two blogs and keeping them separate.
I link to one blog while posting on the other blog (see above).
I post the same picture on both blogs slash Instagram accounts or even share a similar story on both.
It’s confusing to me because I want to share myself on both, but I don’t want them to be identical blogs…gah. I even feel like last week’s Happy Things post maybe belonged on the other blog, but..I dunno, why shouldn’t I share it here? I feel like at times I have such a clear vision for both blogs, but then it gets all jumbled up. Help!
6. I totally spaced my mid-year blog survey giveaway.
I had this survey that I did and decided I was going to do a giveaway to a random person as a thank you…and totally spaced it until this weekend. When I had to work at the café every. single. day. I promise it’s at the top of my to-do list, though!! I should share the results, too because those kinds of posts interest me, so maybe they will interest you guys?
7. I’m a bad blog reader, but I want to change that!
My blog reading tends to be more random and sporadic. Like I see an interesting pin on Pinterest and decide to read that post. Or I see a tweet on Twitter with a post and read that one. I feel like I should be reading one group of blogs regularly and I have a group like that on my bloglovin‘, but I have been so bad at reading (and commenting) on the blogs I love. I feel so out of touch with my blends!
But then again, when I’m reading a ton of blogs, I also start to feel bad about my own blogging abilities and have less time to actually blog… #bloggerprobs
8. I still am slightly nervous every time I hit publish.
Is anyone going to like this??
Will anyone comment??
Will anyone share this recipe on Pinterest??
Does anyone care at all about this topic??
Will someone totally misinterpret what I’m saying and unfollow my blog forever??
It really used to bug me that I couldn’t shake the uncomfortable feeling of putting myself out there..but really over the past couple of days I realized that blogging will always be slightly uncomfortable. And that’s okay.
That means I’m doing something that scares me and challenges me and pushes me.
It also makes me human to care at least a little about what others think and to have some fear of putting my words and creative stuff out there.
I think fear is only a bad thing if it keeps you from doing things…and I’m still here! Doing the things! Despite the many fails, awkwardly personal posts, misinterpreted words and weird recipes that no one cared about. Despite the fact that I haven’t gotten the book deal I assumed would just fall into my lap (thanks Julie + Julia for setting my hopes ridiculously high).
I’m still doing this thing that I love to do for ME and for YOU. (Thanks for sticking around, friends.)
My goal, however, is to try to take a little more risk..so we will see how that goes (and what that even means for me)!
[ don’t you love a good selfie day? #vanity #goodhairday ]
Wow half of these confessions have to do with blogging. Can you tell what I have on the brain 24/7??
[Tweet “Feel a little better about your own life by reading these confessions. #imasemihealthnut #idonthaveitalltogether”]
In other news…
I get to visit my blend Katie in Chicago this week for a fun blog shindig! More details later, but I will say it involves a cow that laughs…
>>Be sure to follow me on snapchat at SEMIHEALTHNUT and probably Instagram to see all of our shenanigans. <<
Welp, I think that’s plenty for today! See you guys later this week for a tasty dessert recipe and a fitness post!
Tell Me…
How about you? Anything to confess today?
Would it be interesting to see the blog survey results?
PS I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images! You should also check out my pumpkin board…because it’s almost pumpkin season!!
Follow Diary of a Semi-Health Nut’s board Food [ Pumpkin ] on Pinterest.Linking up to: (All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
I too sometimes eat the same breakfast… for months :p! I am also glad I am not the only one who still likes to color/doodle… it is the most therapeutic thing of all!
Yes!! Isn’t it crazy how we can eat the same thing every day for breakfast, but if it were the same thing every day for dinner we’d probably get sick of it?? Maybe because we haven’t fully woken up at breakfast time yet haha.
I think you are magical, and I hope you got some AWESOME pictures last night! I was stuffing my mouth and then gabbing. Luckily not doing them at the same time! I’m so glad that you came up to Chicago, and that we saw each other–that was freaking awesome. Now, as for your confessions:
I have had just about the same breakfast on weekdays since I started my 9-5 last year. Before that it was oatmeal every day. Before that it was eggs and toast every day. I look forward to every day!
Alex and I didn’t set a date in stone until 6 months after we got engaged. We didn’t wedding plan, period. He was in med school, I was writing a thesis. Nuff said. Plan and go for it when you are ready 😀
Awww thanks, Susie!! You’re a magically awesome unicorn yourself. 😉 So so happy I ran into you…forgot you lived in Chicago!!
That makes me feel better about not setting the date thing. I think I only worry about it when I’m at a small town family wedding and EVERYONE is asking about it. Weddings are life in small town Nebraska so it kind of makes sense haha.
I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast for weeks at a time too. Right now I am in an overnight oats phase, which followed a smoothie bowl phase, which followed a protein pancake phase, etc.
I’m glad I’m not the only one!! Oats are starting to sound good though…so I might switch soon!!