Hello and Happy Monday, friends! It’s time for another Inspire Me Monday post where you can come to be inspired AND if you’re a blogger, you can link up your own inspiring posts.
Weekend Fun
This weekend was nuts. Usually my weekends are pretty mild, but allofthethings were happening this weekend.
It started out with a baking and Breaking Bad day with Mr. Dave Cakes (my partner in crime) before he left for a weekend of trapshooting.
We made S’mores Cookie Bars for him to take and share with his friends and cake pops for sister Rachel’s birthday. It was highly interesting since I still don’t know where all of my baking supplies are (such as mixing bowls) and I definitely forgot how much work goes into cake pops.
I headed to Rachey’s birthday party with the cake pops precariously resting on my lap as my sister Courtney drove. I got to watch my nephew try red pepper flakes for the first time (“it’s spicy!”) and we lit a cupcake up with 15 candles since I had no idea how to stick candles into the cake pops. I even had an older gentleman come over to our table and tell me the cake pops looked really neat.
Then we found out that brother Josh was going to be in town (I haven’t seen him since his house warming party in May), so I spent half of the night figuring out plans to have lunch with him after work but before heading to a bachelorette party two hours away, preparing my new blog for its launch and writing the post that was due on Saturday. Needless to say, I did not get very much time in bed before the 6:30am alarm went off on Saturday.
I had arranged for a coworker to take over the last two hours of my shift so I could bolt out at 11am and meet my family for lunch at Panera. Did you know my brother is going to Taiwan on business? Neither did I. He really needs to tone it down on being so successful and making me look bad.
I jetted home to shower and get ready (and cough take a nap cough) to drive two hours on mostly highway roads to a super fun bachelorette party for Dave’s cousin in Norfolk, Nebraska.
We did the whole painting and drinking thing which was incredibly fun. Then we headed to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner and margaritas. The whole thing took about 3 hours longer than I thought..so the two hour drive back to Omaha was a tad rough. Don’t worry though, I stopped twice along the way and listened to the Breaking Good podcast (a podcast all about Breaking Bad, which I’m watching again with Dave).
By the time I got home on Saturday night (slash Sunday morning), I knew I couldn’t make it to breakfast with my friend Mellissa before she left (who also happened to be in town). I’m okay when I miss out on one or two nights sleep per week, but three in a row would mean I wouldn’t have been able to wake up to my 4am alarm on Monday.
Recovering. Writing this post. Watching my nephew chase Zoey Fluffy Butt around the house.
And high-fiving Dave on his awesome trap-shooting before hitting the hay.
Favorites from Last Week’s Link-Up:
I feel like I’ve got the baking bug (I’ve even contemplated turning this whole blog into a baking blog!), so it’s not wonder my favorites are cookies!!
Chocolate Cocoa Peanutbutter Cookies via Olives-n-Okra
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies via Oh My Sugar High
Most Popular Post from Last Week’s Link-Up:
Weight Watchers Macaroni and Cheese Recipe via Real Advice Gal
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PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images!
Pin with me!Follow SemiHealthNut Visit Diary of a Semi-Health Nut’s profile on Pinterest.
Linking up to: Weekend Snapshots (All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
Photo Editing Using Picmonkey and Photography with Nikon D5300 and Tasty Food Photography
Don’t Forget to Link-Up:
Follow the other hostesses to see their favorite links:
CJ from Morsels of Life
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Emily from Simple Life of a Fire Wife
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Kori from Just Another Mom
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Janice from Reflections
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Erin from Table for Seven
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Bridget from The Recipe Wench
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Missed you this weekend! Hope to see you soon 🙂
Missed you, too! It was such a crazy weekend! Hopefully next time you come into town it will be during a more normal weekend haha.