Hey guys! You ready for the first of many Caturday posts?
What is Caturday?
It’s basically Saturday slash cat day. Or share-all-the-cat-pictures-you-can-fit-into-one-post day.
In December we adopted a little fluffball of a kitten and she has dominated our lives ever since.
I think I will start out the Caturday posts with some new pet owner discoveries. This is the first pet I’ve had in my adult life and the first pet Dave and I have owned together…so yeah. It’s a bit of an adjustment.
A super adorable adjustment.
I never fully understood why people called themselves pet parents. Now it makes total sense because kittens are basically furry toddlers with sharp claws.
Why Having a Kitten is Like Having a Furry Toddler with Claws
1. Miss Zoey needs constant attention. Either via sitting on me (no matter what I’m doing) or getting into mischief.
2. Much like a toddler, Zoey pretends not to understand the word, “no.”
3. Unlike a toddler, I can use a squirt bottle to get her off of the counter.
4. Like a toddler, sometimes when I attempt to discipline her, I collapse into fits of giggles because of whatever cute thing she is doing.
5. I now have someone (something?) to blame my lack of productivity on. Seriously, how am I supposed to type when I have a fluffball lying across both of my arms? And who mews at me when I move too much while she is trying to nap.
6. I can now post random adorableness on Instagram and Facebook and get a zillion likes and comments for something I really have no control over. I mean I fuss over a foodie photo for 15 minutes before I can post to IG, but throw a cute cat pic up and there’s instant love. (unless I post too many and then there are unfollows…gotta find that balance, right moms and dads?)
7. Speaking of dads…it melts my heart when I see Dave snuggle with Zoey. I’m pretty sure half of the pictures on my phone now are ones of them sleeping on the couch. (sadly those are pictures that will stay on my phone. the world can’t handle the cuteness.)
8. Like a new parent, I was near tears when we took Zoey to the vet for the first time. Her brother lives with my cousins and he had worms so it was suggested we take her to the vet just in case. She received a couple of shots and was so distraught she was shaking. I kept telling myself, “she’s just a cat” but never really believed it. She’s definitely my baby.
9. And much like new parents, Dave and I get to discuss what kind of parenting techniques we use. The spray bottle is in play and biting is not okay. (don’t you parents of human children wish squirt bottles were acceptable? or maybe this is akin to spanking and I will get reamed for this in the comments?)
10. Lastly, we get to experience all the frustrations of a little being that doesn’t quite understand everything yet and is getting into all kinds of trouble AND the flipside of loving that little thing so much that you can barely stand it.
[Tweet “10 reasons kittens are basically furry toddlers with claws #cats #love”]
Aaand if you didn’t think all of this was ridiculous, I recently started a Facebook, Instagram and Twitter account for Miss Zoey. Really I just wanted space to post ALLLL the cat things I wanted and not annoy people in my regular feeds. She also has her own hashtag #zoeyfluffybutt. So..yeah.
Do you have any fur babies? Can you relate to any of this?
Tell me honestly..does this make me a crazy cat lady now?
Don’t Miss a Semi-Healthy Update!
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images!
Pin with me!
Linking up to:
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
(All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
Agree. Yerpaw the babydoll (cat) is one of the family, but the others are just cats. I have 4.
Whoa 4 cats?? I can barely handle the one!! You’re a brave soul!
Well, I must tell you I am the grandparent of a great little kitty, and proud of it, I might add! You can see her daily antics over on IG when you search for copper_kitty. Love your little fur baby!
Aw that’s awesome! My mom definitely claims Zoey as her grandchild haha. I will have to check out that account!