I’ve been thinking about this post for awhile. I mean, it’s been a month since my last mud run with BFF blogger friend Katie! I wanted to share my overall thoughts and experiences about fun mud runs so that if anyone out there is debating on running one, you have some key information before paying the hefty fee to tromp around in the mud for three miles.
I will start out by saying I’ve only done two of these runs, but they were both with different companies, different people and different states, so I feel like all of those different variables helps round out my experiences. Meaning, I didn’t just do one run and base my opinions on that one run that could have been good or bad just depending on the day/people/place.
I’ve never done a serious competitive mud run like the Tough Mudder, which from what I’ve heard are much different than the fun runs I’ve done, so I want to make sure it’s clear that I’m talking about non-competitive fun mud runs.
10 Thoughts on Fun Mud Runs
-For those of you who don’t know, a “fun run” is a run that isn’t super competitive, usually has some interesting twist aside from running a set number of miles and is not timed.
-The cool thing about this is that really anyone can “run” these and it encourages people to get groups of friends together for some active social time.
-The downside to “fun runs” is that if you go into them all competitive and ready to PR (break a Personal Record), you will likely be disappointed at the lack of people taking the race seriously.
-If you are running these fun runs, people might look at you weird. I can tell you, some gals in the runs I did were only in it for the muddy pictures at the end. Not that I didn’t enjoy the muddy pictures myself…
-They tend to happen in corn fields so half of the obstacles is actually either running through the mowed down corn or avoiding uneven ground. Those with allergies and bad balance—beware! That being said, it definitely makes it more of a challenge.
-Parking will also probably take place out in a cornfield or at least on a gravel road. So don’t bring your fancy new Lexus to run your fun mud run unless you want it dirty. Also plan on bringing money for parking.
-I really enjoyed the obstacles because climbing over a wall or maneuvering my feet through the tire obstacle made me feel strong and agile. It’s also not something you see on a normal 5K.
-You will want to do these fun mud runs with a friend. It’s one of those runs like the color runs that just wouldn’t be fun to run on your own.
-Fun mud runs tend to be spendy. Both of the runs I did, I won the entry in a giveaway, so I didn’t have to pay the entry fee.
-You will want to run in shoes you don’t care about. I did wash my shoes on the first one, but only because I knew I would use them on my second mud run. And if you’ve ever washed running shoes, you know they don’t come out the same.
Edit to add:
-You should definitely make sure you’re okay with hosing off and changing in front of a bunch of other gals. In the second one I did it was semi-private, but the first one everyone just changed in a giant tent.
-Getting there early ensures you are one of the first to make it to the hoses and giant changing tent.
/end edit
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Would I Do Another Fun Mud Run?
Unless I got a free entry, probably not.
I just don’t love getting that dirty. Mud on my hands that dries and gets all crusty and gross so that I can’t itch my face or wipe sweat from my brow tends to make me a little agitated. That being said, I really did love the obstacles. I think I would have liked the runs more if there weren’t big pools of mud that you had to crawl through. I am also a big fan of these types of runs because it gives people motivation to get active.
Have you done a fun mud run? Any thoughts?
If you haven’t..would you want to? Never hurts to try!
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images!
Pin with me!
Linking up to:
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
Marvelous in my Monday with Katie at Healthy Diva Life
Fitness Friday with Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness
(All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
I’ve been dying to do a mud run. Such great advice. Thanks, love. xx
You are so welcome, Anna! You’ll have to let me know what you think if you do one!
Interesting, your thoughts kinda match up to my concerns. i am not sure I would enjoy it either, I do enjoy living it through other people though 😉 I am waaayyy too competitive to do something like this…..and I couldn’t risk injury from it, but maybe one day I will give it a try!
I mean I had fun because I was with a friend both times and we just made it fun, but I don’t think I would pay for it again. I’m definitely glad I tried em out though! 🙂
I did an extreme 5k that was kind of “fun run” and I really think its a one and done experience for me. If there was a large group of friends competing that asked me way in advance (when rates are cheapest) I would maybe agree, but for the most part, I’m done with them. Great tip on bringing money for parking, they love to nickle and dime you on that!
Dude I think we paid $10 both times!!
I’d never done a mud run, but I’d definitely love to try one at least once! I don’t have a big problem with getting dirty, and I’m not super competitive when it comes to racing, so I’d love the laid back atmosphere. I don’t wanna think about how long the mud would take to get off, though 😆
I wouldn’t say I have a huge problem getting dirty…but the whole mud-caked hands when I was hot and sweaty and then getting straw all over them..okay maybe I have a problem haha. Glad I tried it though!
I haven’t done a mud run yet but have been thinking about signing up for one. The idea of getting dirty from mud (instead of powder paint) isn’t super appealing to me and the cost is usually a little too high for me to justify. I feel like I should at least try one at some point though just to say I did.
I was the same way! Thought I may as well try it!
Maybe this is a dumb question, but do you bring a towel or something to clean up post race? I can’t imagine my boyfriend ever being okay with that amount of mud anywhere near his car.
Love the advice. 🙂
That’s not a dumb question at all..I should add a note about that! There is actually a place to rinse off and you can bring clothes to change into!
I love love mud runs! A nice break from traditional training and I can almost always convince my son to run them with me. #besttimeever 🙂
Aw that sounds awesome!! It really is a nice break and way to change things up!