Hey guys! Have you noticed anything different around here?
First of all, you may have noticed on Saturday that there was a slightly different look…
The blog was down. Usually when I’m making small changes, I just let the blog stay up but this time it was serious.
Let’s Back Up a Minute
I’ve been wanting to make a change for awhile. As I related to my e-mail subscribers, it was like when you know you need a haircut but you put it off and put it off and then one day you’re just like OMG I NEED A HAIRCUT NOW.
Except for it was like OMG I NEED A NEW BLOG DESIGN NOW. And I decided to cut fix it myself.
To go on a tangent..I am also thinking of getting a hair cut. It involves pink highlights..or maybe a rose gold color…
Follow Diary of a Semi-Health Nut’s board Beauty [Hair Do] on Pinterest.I’ve been pinning some ideas to my hair board on Pinterest if you’re interested!
Theme I Used for my New Blog Design
I researched and researched and probably spent way too long previewing different themes and finally settled on Foodie Pro for a few reasons:
- I saw it everywhere. Tons of bloggers I love are using Foodie, so I decided to look into it.
- It’s mobile responsive and I liked the way it looked. My old theme was alright in the mobile department except for the header showed up way too big and the menu showed up in a ginormous list so it just didn’t look super appealing which is why I used WP Touch Pro.
- The super customizable layout, fonts and colors drew me in. I was debating on using a different theme that could be used alongside the Studio Press plugin Genesis Design Palette Pro because I HATE getting into the coding side of things. I always break stuff. I very much miss how on the Blogger Platform you could change fonts, colors, layout and widths without coding and see all the changes live. You can do a lot of that with the Genesis Design Palette Pro, but it only works with a few themes.
- The customizable recipe page. I haven’t messed with this yet because I currently have a way to display recipes but what I’m currently using isn’t mobile friendly at all PLUS I have to go to a different site to set it up. I’d rather publish a recipe and have it automatically go to it’s correct spot(s) based on the tags I use. I even think I can set up a page to organize other content which has me geeking out just a bit. #organizeallthethings
- Tutorials on how to set it all up. This was what pretty much confirmed my decision because I’ve never set up a WordPress theme myself before and I knew I was going to need help. I probably could have figured some of it out on my own, but setting up the homepage I definitely needed the tutorial because your posts don’t just show up automatically like on some themes.
You can purchase Foodie Pro and a number of other awesome themes with my Studio Press affiliate link here.
What I’m Loving About My New Blog Design
- The homepage layout. I don’t think I realized how cool it was going to be until I started following the tutorials. There are so many options! I love how I can display a couple of categories like recent recipes, fitness and life posts. I had no control over that sort of thing with my last theme.
- The fonts and colors. I was trying to figure out what I wanted my colors to be but then I remembered I really like the way my recipes are set up so I used those colors. Like literally copy-pasted the color numbers.
Things Still on my To Do List
- Recipe page. Darn Recipage doesn’t work well on mobile devices which is a huge bummer because I loved having it to organize all of my recipes. I also don’t think the creator of Recipage is super active anymore..I mean Recipage showed up on my Twitter app as not active for the last 6 months..so…yeah. I know it’s going to take a lot of work, but I really love how Foodie Pro has a way to show all the different categories on one page.
- Layouts slash widgets. I feel like there still isn’t much of a coherent flow to the sidebar and footer. I’ve messed with it awhile, but decided it’s good enough for now. It’s also one of those things that I could spend all day playing around with arrangements. Eventually I just need to call it good and leave it be.
- My blog is pretty slow to load and when using the Google Pagespeed Insights tool, I can see it’s mainly because of my images. I’ve had this blog for 4 years and for a good year I was using ginormous images from my dSLR camera without resizing them so basically all of my images over the last 4 years are slowing everything down. Kind of crazy, right? So one thing I can do to improve speed is go through and delete the large images and replace them with smaller ones. Any volunteers?Optimizing my blog.
- Another thing I recently discovered and researched a bit is no follow links. Mind = blown. Basically for all the sponsored posts I’ve done I want to go back and add no follow links to hopefully improve my Google score. Fun stuff.
Things for a Designer to Do
- Branding. I have the colors I like which is the first step, but I also want specific fonts and a logo that I can use in my header, business cards, social media and maybe even to watermark photos.
- Little details. I am super scared to get into the coding side of the blog and there are some details I need a little help with. Nothing urgent right now, but I know over time they will bug me.
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I have a bit of work ahead of me, but I’m still pretty happy with the results so far! 🙂
What do you think about the design??
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images! Pin with me!Follow SemiHealthNut
Super cute! I’m due for the same and just scared to make the first cut! 😉 I love that you gave your reasons for choosing the theme, too.. I’m so overwhelmed by choices! This makes me want to jump on it even quicker now!
You totally should! I really do love that I was able to customize so much myself! Even having a certain level of control over the fonts (there’s maybe 10 to choose from) and control over colors made me so happy! Studio Press has a bunch of other great designs I was looking at too!
LOVE it1 and super impressed you did it your self! I am redesigning in 2015 but I think I am going to pay someone. We will see. I am researching now. I tend to over think it and then not be able to make a decision.
Thank you so much, Tara! And I can SO relate to the over thinking and inability to commit to a decision..because what if it’s not the perfect decision??? Seriously, I get that all too well!
The thing I like about the Foodie theme is that I could customize a lot of it myself and then I can just send a small list to my design lady for the little details instead of paying for the full redesign, ya know?
love the new design!
Thanks ladies!! <3