Oh hey how are you?
Me? Just procrastinating my 8 mile long run here in Nebraska (edit to add: I started this post in Nebraska, but sadly I’m not still there. I did manage to get a 7 mile run-walk in though!). You know, since I haven’t exactly been staying on schedule training for my 10 mile race that’s a mere two weeks away with how awfully sick I’ve been feeling…gah. I’m not gonna lie. I’m so nervous for not only the race, but the next couple of training runs!
What better to procrastinate with than a delightful Thin Mint Cookie Pie recipe? This Thin Mint recipe is so decadent with a cookie dough center and chocolate minty cookie crumbles on top layered over a tasty graham cracker crust. Serious self control is involved with this pie so I suggest you share it with friends or family.
Of course you could eat this all yourself…but hopefully not in one sitting. Stick it in the freezer if you are too tempted (<-handy trick).
This recipe is the perfect way to use up the massive amounts of Thin Mint cookies you are hoarding. I mean, if you’re like me or Dave, you get so excited when it’s time to buy Girl Scout cookies that you end up with wayyyy too many Thin Mint Cookies. And I’m not saying there is such a thing as too many Girl Scout cookies…just sometimes you don’t have enough cupboard space to contain your Thin Mint cookie hoarding tendencies. #firstworldproblems right?
This cookie pie was inspired by a Thin Mint Cookie Bar recipe guest post, created for me back in March when I was studying for my big NASM certified personal training test. Gosh has it really been that long since my NASM test??
I actually went back to that post today and made a new, longer graphic in the post specifically for Pinterest. You know you are allowed to do that right? Go back to old posts and spruce them up? I’ve been a Pinterest fiend lately and I’ve definitely learned that the longer images are noticed more so than the wider ones. (I actually owe you all a post soon all about Pinterest since I told myself I would write up some tips once I doubled my followers..from 900 to 1800 and that’s happening soon! Feel free to help! )
Now these photos were actually taken in March. Some of them are decent, but most of them were awful. Looking back on foodie photos really makes me appreciate how far I’ve come!
I bet you’re wondering why I’m sharing this recipe months later, huh? Well, believe it or not, I don’t share all the recipe I make and photograph. For whatever reason this recipe got shoved to the back burner and I’m busting it out again. I actually might make this for a girls get together this weekend…I hope the ladies like thin mint cookies!
Thin Mint Cookie Pie
This Thin Mint Cookie Pie is super easy to make..especially if you use a pre-made graham cracker pie crust. Graham cracker crusts aren’t even that hard and only involve 3 ingredients if you want to make one yourself. This graham cracker crust recipe looks closest to the one I remember making with Mama Sue (<- my mom, the baking queen).
So once you have your graham cracker crust, simply whip up the cookie filling and your thin mint cookies crust. This is no doubt a decadent dessert. The cookie filling is nice and soft inside the crunchy thin mint cookies and graham cracker crusts. Like a yummy dessert sandwich. Don’t think about the amount of butter you are consuming. Just enjoy.
[Tweet “I want this Thin Mint Cookie Pie! #thinmint #dessert #sweettooth”]
Pretty please note that the nutrition information is always an estimate (calculated by my recipe plugin) and in this case is for 12 slices. You can certainly tailor the size based on your diet or your current cookie craving. 🙂
What’s your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Mine is definitely thin mint!!
When you make desserts, do you share with others? I try..or I stick some in the freezer so I don’t eat it right away!
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images!
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Linking up to:
What’s Cookin’ Wednesday with Buns in My Oven
Strange But Good with Laura at Sprint to the Table
Show and Share Wednesday with Kelly at Mostly Homemade Mom
(All of the lovely link-ups I participate in here.)
Disclaimer: There are some related amazon affiliate links in this post. There is no additional charge or inconvenience to you, but I do get a small kick-back when you purchase anything using one of my Amazon affiliate links. I truly appreciate the support!
Oh, yum! Think Mint cookies are the best Girl Scout cookies in my opinion. And this is the perfect dessert for National Dessert Day! Way to celebrate. 😉
I had no idea it was National Dessert Day!! Lucky posting haha
oh my!! this is perfect!!! thin mints are the best
Thanks!! I am quite fond of them! 🙂
OMG – I think you just won procrastination.
haha yess best way to procrastinate!
ooh looks dangerously good!
It’s so good! You have to try it!