Yesterday’s post felt pretty good, so I thought I’d do more brain dumping. (<-lovely word)
Here’s what’s on my brain:
1. I finally talked about why I haven’t really done anything with my NASM certification yesterday and the response was overwhelming.
Empathy is an amazing thing. I’m not sure why I was so nervous to talk about it. Maybe fear of judgement? Anyways, you guys are amazing and I appreciate your feedback so. much!
One thing I didn’t mention was that I am glad I studied up and got the certification no matter what I decide to do because:
a. Learning is obviously a good thing. It was helpful for me to be working towards something while I waited on school.
b. It can better inform my writing both on the blog and with other writing venues.
2. Speaking of which, I’m super excited because I get to work with Fairlife more regularly doing content creation such as recipes and fitness tips (told ya the NASM thing is beneficial). I wrote down approximately one billion ideas and can’t wait to get started!
And speaking of Fairlife, remember that giveaway I did?
I was sent another Magic Bullet!
We got a call from our apartment manager who said there was a package for us at the office. That’s not a super unusual thing for a blogger, but I could not figure out who would have sent something to me without warning. I started to open it and realized it was a Magic Bullet! I panicked a bit, thinking the winner of the giveaway didn’t get her prize. I e-mailed the rep right away and it turns out it was just a mistake. Keep the blender, she said.
Now I am thinking about doing an Instagram giveaway, but am not sure how those work. Does anyone have experience with an IG giveaway??
3. Yesterday was a day where I pretty much did things I put off. Such as e-mail. I think I took my 30 starred e-mails down to five. Now that doesn’t sound like a lot, but those e-mails were starred for a reason. Because each one involved work (not just a quick response).
Such as filling out paperwork, making a video for the Healthy Living Summit (<-my first ever video! and I made it using my iPhone! ps is anyone else weirded out by their voice when it’s recorded?),
setting up profiles for Blue Diamond and POPSUGAR,
(there was MUCH more behind-the-scenes info to fill out than what you see here)
AND using the coupon code I’ve had for months (like months and months) to order mixmyown granola. Procrastinate much, Amanda?
I feel like I accomplished a lot yesterday…but my fitbit steps were terrible. It wouldn’t bother me so much except for the fact that my fitbit friends are awesome at steps and are kicking my booty. Sitting around Sunday didn’t help with my steps either.
4. I’m addicted to snapchat. Along with this addiction has come a variety of new, weird, selfie-faces.
If you aren’t sure what snapchat is, it’s basically an app on your phone that allows you to take pictures or short clips and send them to your friends. Those photos or clips can be seen for a short period of time and then are deleted off of your phone. Essentially you can have a conversation with selfies. (<-really? WP doesn’t recognize that word, yet?)
5. Oh and I just got a reminder e-mail that I haven’t picked my last winner yet for the Shape Diva Dash! [Don’t forget to enter my current giveaway!] I think I meant to announce it in yesterday’s post..oops. The winner is displayed in the widget (or you could just go to her blog π )! I will be e-mailing the winner shortly or you can e-mail me if I’m too slow (see #3 on how terrible at e-mail I am).
So that’s what’s on my brain!
I hope you all have a great weekend! I’m off to Nebraska to get super emotional because my baby brother has graduated college and is moving to Kansas City with his boyfriend! That seems so far away..especially from the twin cities! Hopefully I will be able to keep it together at his going away shindig.
Tell me….
What is one thing you procrastinate?
Do you have weird selfie faces?
Linking up to:
Five Things Friday with Clare at Fitting it all in
Follow me so I can check out YOUR Pinterest account! π
Follow SemiHealthNut
Congrats on your certification! π
I don’t have a snapchat account because I KNOW I would be spending waaaaaaay too much time making faces at my friends (and therefore suffering the consequences of screenshots and public humiliation). One thing I procrastinate is the dreaded assignments for school subjects I don’t care much for (Earth Science and World Geography in particular).
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
You’re wise not downloading snapchat.
Oh procrastinating homework…I can so relate!
Katie Cummings
I loved the hungry like a wolf snap!! Also, yes, I can’t handle me via video which is why I almost chickened out of that video, but I forced myself to grow a pair and had Kelly record me while skyping (so I couldn’t redo the same question 5000 times).
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
haha I’m glad you liked it. Sometimes I wonder since you can’t “like” pictures so you just send one and get no response sometimes.
That’s a good idea! I actually resisted editing except for one question where I blanked and did an ummmmm.
I turned mine in late though so apparently it’s going to be in the second video. I’m excited to see your answers!
GiGi Eats Celebrities
Seriously though, LOVE ME SOME SNAP CHAT π
And I am currently procrastinating school work, however, NOT REALLY because I am stressing over homework due NEXT SUNDAY… And think I am never going to get it done, and already started it TODAY… How is that procrastinating??? AHH HA HA
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
you should add me on snapchat! We could procrastinate all kinds of things together haha
What are you in school for? I don’t think I even knew you were in school! (great friend, eh?) I just thought you were a full-time awesome blogger slash youtuber slash gossip show gal slash master at words with friends! π
GiGi Eats Celebrities
What’s your SNAP CHAT NAME!?!? Mine’s GiGiEats – Uh, DUH! π
And yes, I am in school and don’t worry, I am not mad at you for not knowing, I don’t talk about it on my blog at all, actually, come to think about it, I don’t really talk all that much about me over there – Muahhh ha ha ha I am a big enigma! LMFAO. But you got the whole full-time blogger, youtuber, gossip show gal, MASTER WORDS WITH FRIENDS PLAYER RIGHT – ha ah ah!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
haha such an enigma!! I will add you! I’m SemiHealthNut…duh!! π π