Big Confession:
I am way behind on studying for the NASM.
Like I have 10 chapters to learn in 15 days.
No, I didn’t plan it that way. In the beginning I had mapped out a chapter per week plus time at the end of the six months to do practice tests and review material. Life just got in the way and I didn’t take it as seriously since I have taken fitness, anatomy and physiology courses.
Turns out I have forgotten much of that information PLUS there is a lot of new information to learn and I am in panic mode right now.
In addition to that, my new café boss loves me so much she is scheduling me double what I used to work before…close to full time hours at a part-time job. (The plan was to work part-time at the café, write articles and study for NASM these past 6 months…yeah.)
Good news:
So I have some guest posters lined up for the next couple of weeks while I scramble to learn all the fitness things. It’s funny too because I told these ladies they could do a recipe or workout-related post and three out of four chose to do dessert recipes! And the one fitness related one is awesome.
Basically, you are all in for some treats!
Other current confessions:
1. I went “for a run” with my friend Calee that turned into a walk because I slipped on the ice immediately upon walking out the door. I have some lovely purple bruises to prove it was probably smart to stay on the treadmill all winter! (But tomorrow it’s going to be above 40 degrees for the first time since November? and I might try to run again!)
2. I might be the only food blogger who isn’t gaga over runny or “dippy” eggs. I’m glad Calee baked the eggs in her egg bake long enough. PS There were SIX twin egg yolks in this one egg bake!
3. I am still trying to get all of my friends to move to Minnesota. This means I secretly hope Calee’s plans in Iowa don’t work out so she can come up here and we can be real BFFs.
4. I took some selfies the past couple of weeks but got shy about sharing them on Instagram because I didn’t have anything clever to say about them. #SelfieShy
5. I tried a yoga class for the first time in my life last week. I thought it was a little weird since apparently the class I chose requires your eyes being closed at all times…which is tricky for a newbie. It was also a surprisingly good workout and I was a little sore the next day.
6. I also noticed my feet smelled pretty bad at the yoga class since I had just gotten off of work. I wonder if I should somehow wash my feet before class next time..?
7. I told my boss I like the early shift (since Dave gets up early anyways) but working opening shifts 7 times in the past two weeks I felt like I might die (opening=4am wake-up time). Dave may be able to go with 5-6 hours of sleep a night, but that amount of sleep makes for one grumpy Amanda.
8. I bought new fish oil pills that are peppermint flavored. That means peppermint flavored burps which are unsurprisingly better than fish-flavored ones.
9. I am that person at Target with a million things in her cart. I don’t mean to be, but I seriously buy everything when I go there…and this weekend was no exception. Everything from body-wash to detergent to milk to workout clothes (that I’m really excited about) to notebooks. I don’t get how everyone else only has like 10 items.
10. I am addicted to office supplies. We have an entire drawer full of pens and pencils, yet I couldn’t resist buying some pretty pens to make notecards. Add to that a stack of notebooks and a couple of cute pink calendars.
11. I don’t think I have deep cleaned my bathroom for months. I mean when the bathtub gets gross I wipe it down…but besides the occasional spot clean…nada. I bought some pretty gloves to motivate myself to clean.
12. I probably won’t actually clean until I pass that dang NASM test.
13. I think I ate a dozen cookies this weekend. Yep, I finished these yummy almond delights and had to stop myself from making another batch immediately. Sorry, Dave.
13.5 This is an unedited cookie photo and I had to stop myself from going through and making all of the almond cookie pictures prettier.
14. Shows like The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad make me super emotional and are deeply disturbing at times…yet I cannot get enough! I have one episode of Breaking Bad left to watch…seriously the last three were almost unbearable, but I just have to see how the show ends!!
That’s all for now! Stay tuned for some awesome guest posts and my first ever sponsored post…another confession: I’m kind of excited about having a sponsored post, yet am nervous it is going to sound like a sales pitch since I love the product!
Tell me….
Have you taken a new fitness class recently? Did you enjoy it?
Are you a procrastinator with good intentions like me? (aka you plan something out to finish early and really end up cutting it close)
Linking up to:
Marvelous in my Monday with Katie at Healthy Diva Life
Week in Review with Meghan at Clean Eats, Fast Feets
Treat Yourself Tuesday with Becky at Olives n Wine
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
Fitness Friday with Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images. Just hover over the image to reveal the “pin it” button or use the handy dandy buttons at the bottom and top of each post to display the whole list of pins.
Also follow me so I can check out YOUR Pinterest account! 🙂
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Alex @ Alex Runs For Food
I’m a total procrastinator!!!! It’s bad!! You can do it though! I’m that person at target with a full cart also. I go in for one thing and come out with my arms full 🙂 love target!!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Thanks for the encouragement!! <3
Lindsay @ Lindsay Weighs In
Oh I HATE runny eggs! The texture, the look – yuck yuck yuck! I break the yolks and let them cook for a long time so you aren’t the only one! 🙂
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
haha I’m glad I’m not the only one!!
Kim @ FITsique
Um yea, I just started a new part time job…15 hours a week they told me. Yea right. Same as you I have been scheduled for about 35 hours for the last two weeks and have had NO time to study, blog, or anything else. I should probably say something, but since I just started I hate to complain!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Ugh don’t you hate that? You just want to say, “I was serious when I said I wanted x hours per week.” I’ve dropped hints, so we will see if my hours are changed…hope you can get your schedule fixed too!
Megan @ The Skinny-Life
I usually not a procrastinator, but as you say life gets in the way. I injured my foot and now everything has fallen to the wayside. Usually everything always has a way of working out. Good luck on NASM!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Yes it will work out because I’m so motivated to kick this test’s butt! 🙂 Hope your foot is on the mend!!
Sinful Nutrition
You’re gunna dominate NASM! And then you can tell me all about it so I can convince myself to do it. And next time you make some you can send some almond cookie love to the Northeast 😉
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Ahh thank you I hope so!! I will let you know how it goes (and probably post a study guide of some sort)!
Lee Hersh
Woohoo! You tried yoga 🙂 🙂 Lifetime? Post yo selfies woman! That’s what instagram is for. 😀
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Yepper! And the yoga room was so dark I couldn’t even take a pre-yoga selfie!
Sarah Pie
Love the selfies 😉 Also glad you liked your yoga class, it’s one of my favorite home workouts. Happy studying with all your pretty new supples!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Yes the new pens are so fun to make notecards with!! 🙂
I just say no to runny egg yolks. Ick. I avoid photos with #yolkporn, because I have to hold back the gagging. #imserious
There’s no way I could do yoga with my eyes closed! I’m pretty sure I’d fall over 🙂 Major props to you for sticking that out!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Eyes closed was weird for sure! Especially since the instructor would repeat instructions that I felt were aimed at me because I was doing it wrong haha.
And yeah #yolkporn weirds me out a little! And it’s not like I’m against eating raw eggs…in cookie dough, but seeing the rawness weirds me out I think.
Meghan McCarthy
Yolk porn is wonderful, and just because you are yolk porn averse, I’d have to top your bowl of Elvis Granola with one. Plus all those double yolks has to be some kind of sign from the egg gods. I’m sure there’s such a thing. 😉
The first time I did a yoga class, I thought it was strange, but now I’m hooked and I really love it. Try again, and you may start to really dig it. Wash those feet first though. 🙂
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
haha maybe one day I will come back around. I used to love dipping my toast in over-easy eggs when I was younger!!
I will definitely try yoga again..I think I might pick a different class though. And wash my feet.
I love these confessions! The one about Target cracks me up… I know exactly how you feel! So much, that when we went on a strict no-shopping budget…. I stopped going to Target all together!!! It is just way too tempting!!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
It is SO tempting!! At least you recognized the temptation!!
I am totally that Target girl too 🙂 The first yoga class is definitely a unique experience. I actually wasn’t sold on it initially. Now I absolutely love it!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Yeah Target! I will definitely be going to yoga again because I get the benefits especially to go along with running.
Becky @ Olives n Wine
Selfie’s!! Just say something along the lines of “Heyyyy, just checking in!” I love selfies on Insta and I think most people do 🙂
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
I will work on my insta-selfies just for you! 😉
Krista @ Tiny n Fit
I definitely procrastinate with work items…But I work pretty quickly and sometimes have a lot of down time so when I don’t have too many tasks I’ll wait. And peppermint fish oil pills? Neat! And Yes- BUY ALL THE THINGS at Target!!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
I think that was my issue with NASM studying…I had 6 whole months when I knew it would only take me a month or two haha.
I <3 Target.
I’m a huge procrastinator! I former coworker came up with the saying, “Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?”, and I have taken it for my motto. I do sometimes think to get things done early, but, like you, it just never works out.
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
haha well every day you have priorities and something that needs to be done 6 months from now…gets pushed off! 😉
Love that saying!! <3
Confession: I HAAAATE runny yolks. But i think you knew that. I only like them with those eggs specifically, but after seeing all those weird eggs, I don’t think I can do it again.
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
haha yes I was so glad you baked the eggs longer!! I mean I was willing to try it…but yeah.
Amanda @ .running with spoons.
You’re definitely not the only one who isn’t crazy for runny eggs — I don’t get the whole yolk porn thing either… And I can’t even tell you how much I love office supply stores. I have an unhealthy obsession with post it notes and notebooks in general. Can never have enough of either, in my humble opinion 😀
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
I love that you can relate to my weird things..which makes them less weird, right? 🙂 Ohhh post-it notes!! I went through a post-it and tabbing phase with studying in school. Pretty sure I had every color created.
Rebecca Jo Vincent
We’re sisters… I am drooling over your office supplies. I get gaga over pens & notepads. & folders & files? Forget about it! My heaven! 🙂
I can never get out of Target under $75.00.. NEVER!
That egg dish looks delish!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
haha for some reason I thought “fogettaboutit” like the godfather. And so glad I’m not the only one sucked in by pretty office supplies! Go in for one thing and come out with a cart full!
Yoga? Love it! Office supplies? Love them too. Actually kind of obsessed. Selfies? Yours are too cute! Me? I think my arms are too short to take a decent selfie.
Mind if I ask why you chose NASM for certification? I’ve been narrowing down my certification options.
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
haha I feel like my arms are too short too!! I have to stick them wayyy out or do a mirror shot!
I chose NASM because that is what the gym I work at accepts. It’s a little more expensive than ACSM, but I think it’s more widely accepted. I am really liking the online lectures and I found two great phone apps to help study as well. 🙂