Since I forgot to post the winner of the Love Challenge Giveaway #3: energybits on Tuesday’s post (instead I rambled on and on about my weekend…don’t you love blogger vanity?), I thought I’d do that today!
Congrats, Summer! Send me and e-mail semihealthnut AT yahoo!
5 Love Challenge Reminders/Notes:
1. Each Love Challenge Giveaway (such as the current Justin’s nut butter prize pack giveaway) is for those who are actively participating in the Love Challenge. I have stated this both in my posts and on the challenge loop, but want to re-state it: active participation is
a. firstly signing up for the Love Challenge and
b. secondly, posting on the challenge loop twice per week.
For all of the giveaways thus far, I have had to draw multiple names since the first few did not follow the directions. I’m a stickler with those rules but I was even looking for ONE post on the challenge loop and didn’t find any for the first names I drew! You’ve been warned. If you’re wanting to win some delicious nut butter, head over to the challenge loop ASAP and post some love notes. 🙂
2. Something cool happened today. A couple of weeks ago, with this Love Challenge in mind, I decided to do my act of love that day with peanut butter. Let me explain.
This gal was having a rough day. I don’t always have time to small talk with customers at the cafe, but I have been so inspired by those participating in the Love Challenge that I decided to ask her how her day was going. Apparently it was a pretty rough one and she was hoping this smoothie would help turn her day around. Obviously everything is better with peanut butter, so I told her (after I rang her up) that I could add peanut butter if she wanted. She lit up a bit at the thought and agreed to try it. (I paid for it right afterwards…I’m not stealing from the company, folks.)
Back to today…the same gal came in and requested that exact smoothie..peanut butter and all! She also told me how it made her day better and I could not be more tickled that something so small could make such a positive impact. Warm fuzzies all over!!
3. I am hosting a link-up post this Friday for your blog posts about this challenge and/or about loving others + loving yourself! I’ve already seen a couple of them (Emily post and Diana’s post one and two for example), but if you feel the want to write up a post about how loving yourself and loving others these past 21 days has affected you..I’d love to read it! If you don’t have a blog, you can also either comment on that post OR send me an e-mail today so I can add it to my post on Friday.
4. I will be highlighting some of my favorite inspirational posts in the Love Challenge loop on my Love Challenge Link-Up post this Friday. I will ask in a comment on challenge loop your blog urls so I can do shout-outs! Be sure to share your blog links!
5. Thank you thank you THANK YOU for all of those who have been participating. You have given me so many ideas on how to love myself and love others and I hope to be able to act that out in my every day life!
Now it’s time to do a quick workout and make some pizza! Because it sounds yummy and Dave deserves some decent food after enduring a couple of days of VERY bare cupboards!
Tell me….
Do you like these types of challenges? I like the do something twice a week versus do something specific each specific day challenges..but that’s just me!
Do you enter giveaways that use rafflecopter or do you find they require too much work versus “leave a comment?” I used to skip over the extra entries…but why not follow the company that’s doing the giveaway, right? (<–my opinion, I want to hear yours!)
Linking up to:
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
Five Things Friday with Clare at Fitting it all in
PS I’m all about Pinterest this year, so I would LOVE IT if you could pin one (or two!) of these images. Just hover over the image to reveal the “pin it” button or use the handy dandy buttons at the bottom and top of each post to display the whole list of pins.
Also follow me so I can check out YOUR Pinterest account! 🙂
Follow SemiHealthNut
I don’t do many of the extra entries because I value my newsfeeds. I don’t necessarily want to read a million companies all day every day. instead I’d rather see interesting people in my feeds. Every now and then I’ll do all the extra entries, but I tend to go back and unfollow after. Also, I like challenge loop because its more private and the people in there all want to be in there. I recently did the move nourish believe challenge with lorna jane and fit approach and had so many people asking me about the photos on my instagram. Its a good thing and a bad thing, but I like my posts on instagram and facebook to be less is more. Whereas I would tweet all day every day if I could.
I like the rafflecopter giveaways! Extra work means extra entries!!!! Hope I win the PB!!!!! That was so nice that a simple scoop of PB in a smoothie turned someones day around!
At work one day we admitted a 5 week old infant. The mom and three kids were homeless living in a shelter. I did a simple act of bring in a mobile for the infant and crayons and coloring pages for the other two kids and the mom started crying and thanked me so much! Its great to remember that even the simplest act can change a day for someone.
Yes I feel the same way about the rafflecopter giveaways! The more work you do, the more likely you will win…right?
And you are awesome. I bet that made YOUR day too!! <3
I don’t mind Rafflecopter for giveaways, although I prefer when there are only a few “entry methods”. I like learning the facebook and twitter contact info for the brands (and bloggers) hosting the giveaway, and I’m never opposed to following them if I am reading their blogs or interested in their products.
Exactly. I always feel like a little work should come with giveaways…like some bloggers have you go to the company’s website and say what the product of choice would be. It just makes sense to me that you can take 5 seconds to check out the site for a potential free thing. Or half a second to like them on FB. 🙂
thanks for linking! xoxo