Happy Thursday Friends!
It’s a fact. I’ve been spoiled by living with my dad.
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Yep, definitely shouted out to him in my 30 Days of Thanks Challenge! |
It has nothing to do with my current roomie, she’s awesome. Like I said yesterday, it’s just different. I wanted to take a moment to list out the things I am now EVEN MORE grateful for when I lived in my dad’s house for two years.
- Space. There’s so much space in a house compared to an apartment! I’m dealing with “where the heck do I put all my junk?” And I’ve even donated an impressive amount and thrown even more of it away. (Think 5 full garbage bags full of clothes.)
- I had my stuff spread all over the house and now I have one room to put everything.
- My dad hardly ever had food in the fridge so I pretty much took over that and the freezer space. Now I have A shelf. AND this fridge is smaller! I am literally considering buying a mini fridge for myself. (See! Spoiled!)
Watch out…recipes will be coming out of this kitchen soon! |
- No garage. This means scraping my windows before school in the morning! The horror!
- I actually forgot about this on Monday and was almost late to my 8am class. Thank goodness that campus is only a few minutes away!
- This also means I have to get through a series of doors before I can get groceries or other items into the apartment. No more leaving my trunk wide open and taking trips to get everything in. Nope. Load all the bags onto your arms and try your hardest to get the doors open. Or take multiple trips up and down stairs (okay that’s good exercise I suppose). I forgot all about that aspect of apartment living.
- Basic necessities. Dad always bought things like TP and Kleenex and all those little things that you slowly forget about if someone else is buying them.
- Not food, mind you, except for the diet dew. My dad apparently doesn’t eat anything except popcorn…but that’s another story.
- Speaking of stories. Let me tell you one about toilet paper. Yes, that’s right. I haven’t bought my own in awhile and since it’s one of those things you (hopefully) need daily, I thought I’d just buy in bulk. I got the most ginormous pack you’ve ever seen. I was shopping at Target for a variety of things for the apartment (I know right, more stuff to fit) so the cart was completely full and I had to put the monster sized toilet paper on the bottom part of the cart. Well this morning I was unloading the rest of my items from Target into the apartment after my nutrition lab (see last item for why it wasn’t already in the apartment..I got tired lol), I nearly cried. $17 bucks worth of TP was left on the cart last night.
- Which brings us to money. Holy goodness it costs a lot to live! Rent + utilities + insurance…yikes. This isn’t the first time I’ve lived in an apartment, but the first time not working 30-40 hours a week. Oh and I still don’t have an official job here because school is already kicking my behind and I’m still trying to unpack and organize my life. C’est la vie, oui?
Basically, I just want those of you who live in a house or who live with your parents to be grateful for what you have right now.
I know sometimes it stinks living with your parents, but look at what you HAVE not what you WANT. I also know that sometimes you just need to move out, so here are some awesome things about living in an apartment.
- A roomie=a friend! (or a “froomie” if you want to get dorky with it…and I do) If you play your cards right, or in my case, desperately pray that you can find SOME place to live in the city you attend school (after searching for MONTHS), then you will likely make a friend out of the deal.
- Fitness center. I now have a fitness center within walking distance that I can workout in for free. It also offers classes (at weird times…like 8am during the week?) I actually hopped on the treadmill and watched E! while running a couple of miles yesterday and it felt great to sweat out my anxiety.
- Independence. I tend to feel better when I am self-sufficient and although I do have people helping me out, it feels good to live not with my parents at the age of 25!
- Location. This is a big one for me since I was driving an hour to classes (leaving an hour and a half before my first class for parking/walking time). Our apartment is also a convenient spot in the city. Walking distance of a Target (possibly dangerous) and a Hy-Vee (where I hope to find a job working with the dietician there!). It’s also very close to a running trail apparently. My roommate is a marathoner and she runs on it with a group at 5:30am during the week. Sounds so early, but it would be nice to have the workout done before school….
- My closet. Walk-in closet is about as big as the two small closets I used at my dad’s. I know. Spoiled!
Eek it’s Thursday! That means tomorrow is Friday! (I know, we are a bit obvious around here.) I’m doing a Friday Five Foodie Finds tomorrow and I’m REALLY excited because I haven’t done one since…September?? I think I was preoccupied with Faithful Fridays and Fitness Fridays and/or I just wasn’t looking for new recipes.
But I am now! I am needing some inspiration to start cooking in the kitchen here. It’s weird because it still feels like I’m living in someone else’s apartment (since my roomie was living here before me), but hopefully once I break in the kitchen, things will change!
Oh also I get to see Dave tomorrow and Saturday we get a remote start installed in my car and get to hang out with our families. Good weekend! 😉
Hope you all have an amazing day!
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Do you live in an apartment or house? What do you like about your living situation?
I live in an apartment alone. I think about how much more money I would have if I lived with my mom or a roommate but it was really frustrating living with my mom. I have a big family so living at home was not a luxury and it was usually because I didn’t HAVE any money so it’s not like I saved a whole lot. Still… I’m so excited for you! I know how much moving sucks but I also know how fun it is being in a new place and making it yours. That really sucks about your TP, I don’t know if you have a Walgreens by you but that is the #1 best/cheapest store for TP. I get a lot from Target but TP… always Walgreens.
ooo handy tip about the TP! We have a Walgreens nearby…we have A LOT nearby!! So grateful for that!
I seriously couldn’t live with my parents, but it makes SO much sense to do it (money-wise) — as long as you’ve got a plan to get out, because your parents eventually get sick of you. 😉
But yeah … we’re contemplating moving (not sure yet!) but the garage and having 1 door to go through are two great perks. I’m looking more at duplexes and houses to rent — no more apartments.
Ha I thought I could NEVER move in with either parent after I move out when I was 18 and was so nervous to because I didn’t want to mess with the good relationship I had with my dad, but after a period of getting into the grove of each other’s habits, etc, I think we grew closer! 🙂
I seriously couldn’t live with my parents, but it makes SO much sense to do it (money-wise) — as long as you’ve got a plan to get out, because your parents eventually get sick of you. 😉
But yeah … we’re contemplating moving (not sure yet!) but the garage and having 1 door to go through are two great perks. I’m looking more at duplexes and houses to rent — no more apartments.
Yes, I have a husband and he’s my life-roomie, but sometime I miss living with my mom. She’d have a real dinner on the table every single evening. She’d do my laundry without asking and grocery shopping: I’d never have to do it!
Eventually, your new space will start to feel more like home! Sorry to hear about your toilet paper – that would make me super upset as well!
haha that sounds nice! I was doing my own laundry at 12 and babysitting my siblings and making them dinner…so I can’t quite relate, but there are definitely good things to living with parents! 😉
Yes, I have a husband and he’s my life-roomie, but sometime I miss living with my mom. She’d have a real dinner on the table every single evening. She’d do my laundry without asking and grocery shopping: I’d never have to do it!
Eventually, your new space will start to feel more like home! Sorry to hear about your toilet paper – that would make me super upset as well!
I am with you, I wish I still lived at home for many of those reasons.. mostly financial. however, I like having my own apartment, feeling independent, being responsible for getting bills paid… double edged sword for sure
Exactly! There are positives to both side, so I’m trying my darndest to be happy where I am right now! 🙂
I am with you, I wish I still lived at home for many of those reasons.. mostly financial. however, I like having my own apartment, feeling independent, being responsible for getting bills paid… double edged sword for sure
I feel your pain! I’ve been apartment and/or dorm room bound since 2007. Right now we’re lucky because our apartment is kind of off of a apartment building, so we only have one door. But we’re looking at moving this year and I’m not so sure what we’ll get … I love our place but it’s just getting to be not convenient anymore (1 hr away from work and most of my friends).
Good luck! You’ll get the hang of it again :).
P.S. I HATE scraping my windows.
eek that was my commute to school and that’s why I moved! That’s so much driving time!!
Yeah it stinks big time. Unfortunately I work in a very small town, so I’ll never actually move to that town, but by us moving we can cut about 20 minutes off my commute. We’d move farther but the bf’s job is like an hour the hour direction. Sooo yeah. We like to make things complicated!
I feel your pain! I’ve been apartment and/or dorm room bound since 2007. Right now we’re lucky because our apartment is kind of off of a apartment building, so we only have one door. But we’re looking at moving this year and I’m not so sure what we’ll get … I love our place but it’s just getting to be not convenient anymore (1 hr away from work and most of my friends).
Good luck! You’ll get the hang of it again :).
P.S. I HATE scraping my windows.
When I moved from my own apartment to living with 2 awesome roomies I had to get a mini fridge and I filled it with just the condiments from my own fridge!! Operating with just one shelf and little to no freezer space is certainly a challenge 🙂
But way to have good perspective! You could complain but instead you’re thankful!!
haha I haven’t moved ANY of my condiments from my dad’s yet..nor the freezer food so it will be interesting to see if it all fits. Seriously seriously thinking about putting a mini fridge in my big ol closet!
Yeah it stinks big time. Unfortunately I work in a very small town, so I’ll never actually move to that town, but by us moving we can cut about 20 minutes off my commute. We’d move farther but the bf’s job is like an hour the hour direction. Sooo yeah. We like to make things complicated!
I live in an apartment alone. I think about how much more money I would have if I lived with my mom or a roommate but it was really frustrating living with my mom. I have a big family so living at home was not a luxury and it was usually because I didn’t HAVE any money so it’s not like I saved a whole lot. Still… I’m so excited for you! I know how much moving sucks but I also know how fun it is being in a new place and making it yours. That really sucks about your TP, I don’t know if you have a Walgreens by you but that is the #1 best/cheapest store for TP. I get a lot from Target but TP… always Walgreens.
When I moved from my own apartment to living with 2 awesome roomies I had to get a mini fridge and I filled it with just the condiments from my own fridge!! Operating with just one shelf and little to no freezer space is certainly a challenge 🙂
But way to have good perspective! You could complain but instead you’re thankful!!
ooo handy tip about the TP! We have a Walgreens nearby…we have A LOT nearby!! So grateful for that!
Ha I thought I could NEVER move in with either parent after I move out when I was 18 and was so nervous to because I didn’t want to mess with the good relationship I had with my dad, but after a period of getting into the grove of each other’s habits, etc, I think we grew closer! 🙂
haha that sounds nice! I was doing my own laundry at 12 and babysitting my siblings and making them dinner…so I can’t quite relate, but there are definitely good things to living with parents! 😉
Exactly! There are positives to both side, so I’m trying my darndest to be happy where I am right now! 🙂
eek that was my commute to school and that’s why I moved! That’s so much driving time!!
haha I haven’t moved ANY of my condiments from my dad’s yet..nor the freezer food so it will be interesting to see if it all fits. Seriously seriously thinking about putting a mini fridge in my big ol closet!
I am with you on the window scrapping, I have a house, but do not have a garage. I like the mini fridge idea…They are cheap and can hold lots of stuff!
Yes I’m leaning towards the mini fridge more each day!
I am with you on the window scrapping, I have a house, but do not have a garage. I like the mini fridge idea…They are cheap and can hold lots of stuff!
Yes I’m leaning towards the mini fridge more each day!
Cute new place, friend! I remind myself daily that I need to be grateful that my parents allow me to live here but I sure am ready to be on my own again. After 8 years on my own, 6 months feels like FOREVER!
Thanks I am liking it! 🙂
Cute new place, friend! I remind myself daily that I need to be grateful that my parents allow me to live here but I sure am ready to be on my own again. After 8 years on my own, 6 months feels like FOREVER!
Glad you’re getting settled. Life is definitely better when we focus on the positive. 🙂
It is! 🙂
Glad you’re getting settled. Life is definitely better when we focus on the positive. 🙂
I LOVE this post because it really does remind you of how great it can be to live with your parents. [And also how liberating it feels when you are on your own.] But hello, MONEY! Gosh darn it, why is life so expensive?
And in every living situation I find myself in–parents’ house included–there is NEVER enough fridge space for me. I’m constantly apologizing to my new roomie, saying “Well, it’s just the beginning of the week..” or “I just got really excited about these recipes…” but no matter how much I might say it will ‘get better,’ that is just not going to happen. 🙂
Omg right!? Did you know I brought a whole baking cabinet haha?!
I LOVE this post because it really does remind you of how great it can be to live with your parents. [And also how liberating it feels when you are on your own.] But hello, MONEY! Gosh darn it, why is life so expensive?
And in every living situation I find myself in–parents’ house included–there is NEVER enough fridge space for me. I’m constantly apologizing to my new roomie, saying “Well, it’s just the beginning of the week..” or “I just got really excited about these recipes…” but no matter how much I might say it will ‘get better,’ that is just not going to happen. 🙂
Thanks I am liking it! 🙂
It is! 🙂
Omg right!? Did you know I brought a whole baking cabinet haha?!