I am updating things around the blog (if you haven’t noticed) in preparation of when I may or may not have zero time to even write posts, much less work on blog design, etc.
I’m talking about school in the fall!
I have a full load at a university, instead of the community college, that includes TWO online classes. Let me tell you, online classes SEEM easy, but you basically spend just as much time on them since you have to teach yourself the information, do homework, take quizes AND go to campus to take the tests. The also involve a whole lotta time management skills. We will see how it goes.
One thing I want to do is update the About section. I am thinking it needs to be shorter and just have some links to miscellaneous (I wish you could see how I originally spelled this word…before my spell-check was like “you are a doofus.” Okay here it is: miscilanious. lol.) details.
Now if you’d care to read on…these are some of my favorite things! (Feel free to copy-paste this with your own answers on your blog and link-back here! I might even do a link-up…you will find out if you scroll down if this is the case.)
1. Favorite food.
Peanutbutter. And jelly. On toast. I used to say beef stroganauf, since I LOVE my mom’s homemade stroganauf, but if I’m honest about it…peanutbutter is in my life every day. I do try other nut butters, however I still always have the big ol’ jars of crunchy AND smooth Jif on hand. Dave (the BF) has even bought these for me for Christmas. This is serious stuff!
2. Favorite workout.
I like walking outside the most. With a little run thrown in here or there. Listening to my ipod worship tunes or no headphones, trying to sort out my thoughts. In the gym I’d say elliptical or body pump is my favorite.
3. Favorite color.
Pink. I am girly through and through.
4. Favorite season.
Spring! Or fall? Spring has my birthday, but fall is light jacket/sweater weather….
5. Favorite job.
Babysitting. As long as it’s for the right family, it’s the most rewarding (developing young minds and whatnot) and fun (and funny). I want very badly to be a mother and this gives me a brief glimpse of the fun and challenges to come. I get giddy when I hang out with the Twins. 🙂
6. Favorite shows.
Currently my favorite is Big Bang Theory. I also watch Modern Family, know all of the Gilmore Girls seasons backwards and forwards, and view a plethora of shows on Netflix like 30 Rock and Ugly Betty (yep).
I am also pretty obsessed with Food Network. I wish my life was like Giada at Home, cooking fresh and semi-healthy meals for my family, living on a fabulous California beach.
7. Favorite books.
The Bible! It’s a good one. 😉
I’ve also read The Hunger Games books at least twice, same with Julie and Julia.
8. Favorite movies.
Many chick flicks. Also kiddie movies such as Shrek, Despicable Me, The Incredibles…. I’m also a Harry Potter lover, although I didn’t make it past book number 4, I’ve seen all of the movies.
I don’t really go to/watch movies to think, but to escape and laugh, therefore I don’t watch many dramas, horror movies or many deep movies. I tend to get way to involved emotionally in the story. The Passion of the Christ made me bawl my eyes out (right in the theater) so I try not to go to those kinds of movies…
9. Favorite holiday.
Christmas. It’s not really an original holiday to be a favorite, what with all the presents and good feelings, but I look forward to it every year. I adore grandma’s homemade cookies, spending time with my family (some of whom I only see once a year) and watching movies like Rudolf, A Christmas Story and Elf (which really, I watch all winter). The birth story of Jesus is just icing on the cake.
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Me and Grandma! |
10. Favorite place to visit.
I’ve always had a thing for Colorado. I’ve been all of three times, but I’ve always loved it because of the weather (not humid), the lack of allergens in the air and more recently, because of how much healthier the state is than Nebraska.
11. Favorite food bars.
I used to eat mostly Fiber One Bars, but now I’ve turned to Luna Bars for the amount of vitamins they have as well as the mini Clif bars after I tried some from a Foodie Penpal.
12. Favorite time to workout.
Afternoons. I have always been and afternoon worker-outer because that is when I am most alert and my muscles have been warmed up by then. In the summer, however, this is NOT the best time to run, so I have to force myself to get up and just get out there. The evenings aren’t my favorite either, as sometimes I will have dinner and then just decide I don’t feel like working out.
13. Favorite thing to wear.
Jeans, fun t-shirt and flip flops. I like going casual and here in Nebraska, we “dress up” to go out by changing out the flip-flops with heals and calling it good.
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Dressed up 😉 |
14. Favorite type of music.
Contemporary Christian. I listen to a lot of Skillet, Flyleaf, Adison Road, MercyMe, tobyMac, Matthew West….. I sing at the top of my lungs to KLove when I’m in my car.
15. Favorite running shoes.
Asics. It’s one of the only shoes I know that has my weird size “narrow.” It would seem like my feet are skinny by this description, but really I have those long toes going on. Some call them monkey feet, but I like to call them princess toes.
Um can you see my flip-flop tan line? |
Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut
Enough about me already!! Tell me, what are your favorite things? Pick a couple from above and answer or link-up (below) your own post with your favorites!
(Please remember to link-back here when you link-up below! Thanks for the link-love friends!)
I LOVE Big Bang Theory but lately I’m loving How I Met Your Mother!
That’s a funny one too but sometimes I get annoyed with Barney I think it is? I don’t know why…maybe because I’ve known guys like him…so I will turn it off when he annoys me and then not watch it for a long time.
I LOVE Big Bang Theory but lately I’m loving How I Met Your Mother!
My favorite workout (pretty much the only one I ever do) is walking, too! And I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE Christmas! And peanut butter (JIF is my dad’s favorite brand). Can you believe that I used to dislike PB&J? I’ve always loved peanut butter, but I used to think it was gross with jam/jelly and only liked it with honey. I was weird (I also that the mint chocolate combo was gross). I can’t stand Gilmore Girls (my big sister used to be obsessed and so the show was always playing and now I just can’t watch it) and I feel the same way about movies. Movies, to me, aren’t there to be deep, scary, or thoughtful – they’re an escape, to make me laugh! And kiddie movies are fun 🙂
Well we are very similar aren’t we! Except for the Gilmore Girls thing…I have all of the seasons and sometimes watch them when I go to bed…it’s a pretty serious relationship lol!
My favorite workout (pretty much the only one I ever do) is walking, too! And I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE Christmas! And peanut butter (JIF is my dad’s favorite brand). Can you believe that I used to dislike PB&J? I’ve always loved peanut butter, but I used to think it was gross with jam/jelly and only liked it with honey. I was weird (I also that the mint chocolate combo was gross). I can’t stand Gilmore Girls (my big sister used to be obsessed and so the show was always playing and now I just can’t watch it) and I feel the same way about movies. Movies, to me, aren’t there to be deep, scary, or thoughtful – they’re an escape, to make me laugh! And kiddie movies are fun 🙂
Well we are very similar aren’t we! Except for the Gilmore Girls thing…I have all of the seasons and sometimes watch them when I go to bed…it’s a pretty serious relationship lol!
That’s a funny one too but sometimes I get annoyed with Barney I think it is? I don’t know why…maybe because I’ve known guys like him…so I will turn it off when he annoys me and then not watch it for a long time.
I share your favorite shoes and PBJ is one of my favorites too! 🙂
Asics are the best!!! 🙂
I share your favorite shoes and PBJ is one of my favorites too! 🙂
Asics are the best!!! 🙂