Well Friday is already half-over, but I’m sharing these lovely foodie finds with you just the same!
I wasn’t feeling too hot this morning. I realized it was really bad when I could barely hobble over to my alarm clock(s) (that are positioned across the room to force me to get up.)
I decided to send my teacher an e-mail and stay on the couch until I felt better. Still having tummy issues but with my trusty laptop I decided to finish up my Friday Five Foodie Finds post.
For whatever reason, I had only found 2 recipes for the week before today. Possibly due to the fact that I have been branching out in my blog reading mostly non-recipe blogs?
In any case I was able to find 3 other delightfully enticing finds while lounging on the couch watching Gilmore Girls this morning. Enjoy!
These were the first recipe to catch my eye this past week. Simply decadent and oreo-licious!
My good friend Jenn is always cooking up a storm! I’m not even sure if I like scallops..but I will have to try them looking at all of her tasty photos!
The BF’s favorite cookie is a snickerdoodle and these ones caught my eye because of the “puffy” in the title. Have you ever had a “puffy” cookie. Almost like a cake-cookie. Yum.
I found this blogger from an article that was tweeted: Fitness Magazine’s Fit Bloggers We Love
I feel like these might make my dinner tonight. I am almost sure of it actually. Also does anyone get the reference in the title?
Oh goodness these sound amazing. And you all know about my cookie obsession right? My favorite dessert ever. If I could only bake one thing the rest of my life it would be cookies. Probably some sort of oatmeal ones. Thanks to this guest post I now have another mouth-watering blog to follow.
If you were featured, feel free to add my handy-dandy button to your page!
{Also, if you are handy with blog buttons…how can I make mine prettier?}
Here’s to hoping I am feeling better this afternoon because I really want to get outside for a quick run. I think part of my sicky issues are anxiety and stress-related (seriously, your body does weird things when under stress) so I think it will be just the thing I need. Get out in the fresh air, clear my mind, and get some endorphins flowing!
Here’s to a marvelous weekend friends!
Be sure to check out more Friday Finds at the site of my inspiration (and where I link-up to)
Also check out my Friday Finds tab on my blog.
Mmmm those fluffy vanilla cookies do look amazing, thanks for sharing!