Happy Mid-Week Day to you all!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Can you believe it??
I have THREE Thanksgivings to go to the day of NOT COUNTING Thanksgiving at the farm with the BF’s family. That’s a lot of Turkey. I will be in need of a big nap.
Today is Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, today is Wednesday all day long. (We used to sing this in Kindergarten…it’s funny the things that stick with you huh?)
Wednesday means WIAW time {What. I. Ate. Wednesday.} It’s fun day to reflect on one day out of the week’s food intake. It oftentimes tells me that I need to eat more fruits and vegetables, but sometimes I get to pat myself on the back too. Today I’ll be detailing you what I ate on Saturday.
Saturday was a full and fun day to say the least.
I had the opportunity to help out delivering a couple of meals on Saturday to people for Thanksgiving and it just warmed my heart.
I take SO MUCH for granted! I have multiple Thanksgiving dinners to attend to and some go without! How Blessed am I? I am very grateful that the Daddio scheduled me and the BF to do the turkey drop-off. He has such a big heart for others and I admire him greatly for that!
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At first I was nervous because we got instructions on a piece of paper that said things like, “Don’t go into the house.” “If they ask for money, politely refuse.” “If there is a problem, call 911 immediately.”
Eek. Seriously I got knots in my stomach when the Daddio read the instructions. Could these people hurt us? Would they invite us in and then try to rob us? I’m a little lady…they could just snatch me up and close the door!
These thoughts were rushing through my head as we listened to the Garmin tell us where to find the first house and my heart sank into my stomach when we got into the neighborhood. This was not the cleanest neighborhood for sure. The porch of the house had all sorts of trash and random holiday decorations and as we approached the front door we heard a large dog barking. (Yes, I could tell how big it was by it’s bark.)
A large man opened the door and when my dad introduced himself as a volunteer delivering “Turkey and Fixins” the man smiled. He graciously accepted the food and a young boy in the background smiled and thanked us as well. *Whew* I did not get snatched up into the house.
The rest went just as beautifully. Really I feel when you serve someone, with the right attitude, it is more of a blessing to the server than the servee (that’s not a word but you get it right?). I encourage everyone that when you get an opportunity to serve another person…take it!
Well since you may have jumped over to check out my eats from Peas and Crayons for
WIAW {What. I. Ate. Wednesday.},
let’s get into it shall we?
Breakfast {9:30 am}: Peanutbutter and Jelly Toast (what else?) and diet dew
Lunch: {12pm} : Leftover Turkey Loaf, mashed taters, diet dew and water…perfect comfort food to eat while watching an awful NE game
Dessert: 2 Pumpkin Spiced and Sprinkled Cookies
I finished baking these Saturday so I will count the dough I “tested” as one cookie…although it may have been more! ๐
After the long and awful game…it was time to head off to babysit! The little munchkins I watch have lots of energy so I decided to bring some caffeine along with me. ๐
Yep Peppermint Mocha flavored again! Does peppermint in my coffee ever get old??
P.S. I LOVE LOVE this coffee thermos because it keeps my coffee super warm AND it doesn’t spill! It came in quite handy the next day in the church nursery when the little crawlers decided to check it out. (Man I played with a lot of kids this past weekend lol)
After some fun arts and crafts….
{Love me some arts and crafts! Their mom is super creative (the house is GORGEOUS!) so it’s no wonder their creations turned out so nicely. Our hands turned out quite glittery as well so *bonus.* ๐ }
Dinner {6pm}: I ate what the kiddos were eating: Chicken fries and strawberry applesauce! (with water) What a great excuse to eat like a kid again!
That didn’t quite fill me up so somewhere in between chasing the kids around pretending to be different animals and pretending I was a witch casting spells (the kids always had me be the bad guy? no fair!)…
Snack: {8pm-ish}: Wheat thins and cottage cheese
I also ended up with a
{Midnight Snack}: 2 Pumpkin Spiced and Sprinkled Cookies, Special K cereal, and green tea (“bedtime tea”)
Food and Drink Evaluation:
What I Liked:
- Good protein at lunch
- Decent water intake
What I Need to Improve On:
- MORE FRUITS AND VEGGIES IN MY LIFE…I’ve said it before and one of these days I will get it right…but really I think it’s good to see this so that I will be more aware on a day-to-day basis.
In other news…
I tweeted today that I was getting my hair darkened…which I haven’t done since high school so I was a wee bit nervous. I like to change up the hair every once in awhile, though. It makes me feel fresh and it also pushes me out of my comfort zone.
I had planned on it being a little darker…and the hair lady told me after the fact that she chose a lighter shade than I told her…and that it didn’t darken how she’d planned.
I like it, but I might get the low-lights she offered next week (hopefully free of charge since she didn’t even use the color I picked). She is a great hair-dresser though…don’t get me wrong on that. AND I love the way she styled my hair! I never blow-dry my hair because it takes FOR-E-VER.
BEFORE: {Blondie}
AFTER: {Brunette-ish}
What do we think? Go darker? I feel like this color may wash out a bit to be a…blah color. {Wow this is a lot of hair talk lol}
~Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut~
What are your Thanksgiving plans?
What areas of your food life are a constant challenge?
Did you stop by because of WIAW? Tell me about yourself! I love new friends! ๐
Linking to the lovely Peas and Crayons!