Dear friends,
Sometimes I’m not sure the real me shows through in my posts.
It’s a true challenge for me and it’s something that has been brought to my attention. Not directly…but for example, listening to the radio {KLOVE}, they were talking about how sometimes our relationships can be so shallow.
They say, “How are you?” we say, “Good.” This is fine and dandy if you are talking to the person bagging your groceries…but with friends we should be more honest and open. Right?
I would love to make non-shallow connections on my blog…to show my true feelings and have you share with me. I would also love to have real relationships with my friends! {If you know me in person and you feel me being shallow or feel like I don’t honestly care how you are when I ask, “How are you?” please call me out!}
Another example that jumped out at me..
I was in bible study Tuesday night and at the very end, the leader of the group was sharing how we need to show people we are Christians with our love for others. {John 13:35}
And at the same time Keep. It. Real. {did you even know I was a Christian? or that I go to bible study? if not…this is what I’m talking about..the real Amanda!}
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Bible study 🙂 me and the BF on the far right |
Being honest and open and non-judgmental and LOVING others. This is what it’s about! This is how we build relationships and connections.
I think I have the hardest time with this because I am naturally very shy. I tend to keep to myself and it takes a loooong time before people see the true me. I am sooo jealous of the BF in this area because he can become instant friends with anyone. That grocery person I mentioned before, he would have had him/her laughing or feeling better having talked to him. I want to be like this!
For example, in my two classes that I actually enter in a classroom, it is the end of the quarter and I am JUST NOW feeling comfortable asking questions and talking in front of everyone.
Maybe this is why a blog feels comfortable to me? Because I can hide behind the pretty pictures and recipes and only show you what I want?
The same goes for Twitter and Facebook. Lord help me be true to myself there because sometimes I am just on there for self-promotion. Which is okay…I do have a bloggity I want to show off…but really I want to be chatting with people to build relationships or to make THEIR day better and brighter…not so that I can get some new followers!
I want to Keep It Real with you guys. So…let’s be real…
Check out that journal page again. At the top it says “for they loved human praise more than the praise of God.” {John 12:43} *oof* That one hurt! It’s very dangerous to get “high” on the praise of people when you have a blog! And on the opposite end…it makes it all the worse when there is no praise for your blog. Can anyone relate?? My Twitter followers are going up every day and sometimes it goes to my head.
Let’s be real…
I haven’t worked out at all this week. Not at all. It is Thursday. I was planning on doing Body Pump but I was soooo tired that the thought of even looking at a barbell made me exhausted. {I will be resuming next week, however, because that class is amazing.}
I can pretend that I worked out at my jobs because I am on my feet at both of them and lifting equipment at one of them…but I did not run or go to the gym or do a fitness DVD of any kind this week.
Sometimes I feel pressured to be working out all the time because I am associated with so many amazing athletes and healthy people. I feel like it’s a terrible thing if I’m not working out ALL THE TIME…not for fear of gaining weight {I know I will workout eventually} but for an irrational fear that someone somewhere will say, “Hey that healthy blogger only runs once a week and only for THREE miles!”
Like I said, irrational…but I have seen some pretty harsh criticism for bloggies out there and it worries me!
I have more “let’s be real”s, but I think I will save these for a later date. Let’s break out of this shell slowly shall we? We don’t want any pieces in the cookie dough…(haha?)
Lemon Doodle Dough |
This was a {very} brief sample of what’s going on in my brain this week. I think this should be more regular on my blog…yes? If not for me, for you to see I’m a real person with real emotions and thoughts and flaws. {Not just the part of me that is good and smiling in photographs.}
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Oh Dr. Seuss. Wiser than wise. |
~Amanda aka Semi-Health Nut~
Can anyone relate to my post tonight?
I would love to meet you! And check out your blog if you have one! 🙂