Good afternoon,
I think my self-efficacy has taken a hit in both my blog and my running. What is self-efficacy you ask? Well, it just so happens that I am studying this concept for one of my online classes: Human Relations. The chapter we are going over this week is actually called “Building High Self-Esteem.” I was just working on one of our many assignments for the week which involved doing an Internet search to find a site that talks about self-efficacy when I began to think about my running. What a perfect opportunity to procrastinate homework, and write a post for my blog!
Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations according to Albert Bandura. Or basically, believing you can do something you set out to do.
When I started running, I was proud to run a full mile! Thinking about running three miles seemed daunting…until I did it. Now I feel like 3 miles is a normal run and I don’t think twice about it! Usually the more success a person has, the more self-efficacy he or she has.
Until recently I believed I could run a 10k, but when I ran outside a couple of times, I injured my left foot and my left knee. I am guessing I just run funny because both of the injuries are on my left side. They aren’t injured badly enough to see a doctor, but my knee hurts bad enough that I have woken up in pain a couple of nights and my foot hurts after walking on it all day. I will see one if they continue to hurt after another couple of weeks…my foot especially because a bone is poking out weirdly. These things make me feel like I can’t run because I reeeeally do not want to have to have surgery on any part of my body simply because I could not make myself rest.
But what to do? The race is only a month and a half away! I know I can run 6.1 miles, but I wanted to at least try a couple of times before the race! And what if I am still sore, run the race, and then end up with life-long injuries??
Maybe I am being overly-dramatic, but it is frustrating to think about! I also will definitely feel like a failure if I don’t run the race, since I told everyone I was going to run a half-marathon.
My self-efficacy at this point is low.
And I haven’t written on this blog in awhile because the last time I logged on, none of my pictures from my blog posts were showing up! I thought maybe it was because I had gotten some of them off the internet so maybe those sites were no longer available…but my own photos I took of my food weren’t showing up! (And still aren’t!) I didn’t feel like going through everything and re posting the pics so I just gave up. (low self-efficacy/laziness) I mean, really, what is my blog without the pictures??! Okay my self-esteem is not that low, but it was frustrating!
Good thing it has STILL been snowy outside, otherwise I’d be even more down about not being able to run. I’m going to switch to training on the elliptical, although it’s not the same as running, I can at least keep my cardio training up!
So here’s to you self-efficacy, may you grow in me and make me not give up as easily! And if my self-efficacy has anything to do with my knee and foot…please heal them so I can run!
Back to homework! Keep your self-efficacy up!
This site is the one I’m going to write about for my class. Interesting stuff if you are into self-improvement. If you are already awesome enough, don’t bother reading it. 😉
Hi there! Glad I came across your blog. I have run a couple 10k’s and one half marathon. I’m not a fast runner by any means. My half marathon pace was a little under 11 minute miles, and I typically do 10 minute miles on shorter runs. My advice to you is to not get discouraged! Don’t evaluate yourself based on whether or not you do THIS particular race. If you have injuries, let them heal. You do not want to hurt yourself long term! I know how hard it is to say you’re going to do something and then end up not doing it, but it doesn’t mean you’re never going to! Hope you’re healing alright since this post 🙂
Thank you so much for the note of encouragement! I had rested all week before I posted this and was just feeling the itch to run but I was discouraged because I didn’t think I could! It is feeling better now, just sore every once in awhile and I have run a few times since this post, but you are certainly right that I needed to let it heal! I like your blog as well and am now following it, so thanks for stopping by!