Me and my faithful running buddy (my awesome boyfriend) are still at the running thing. The half-marathon is in May and one month of training has passed us by!
This past week we ran 3 times. Monday we ran 2.5 miles..although the goal was 3 miles. Wednesday we were on schedule with 2 miles. More 3-2-1 running (see previous post) which went great. I didn’t feel too sore or anything, but both times we ran I realized…I was getting a good workout. Because when I went into the locker room and looked in the mirror…it was not pretty. Bright red face, hair matted, frizzy and just plain gross-looking. I was shocked because I work out regularly, about 3 to 4 times a week and I am usually glowing but not like this.
Then my thoughts flashed to runners getting pictures taken of them while they are running…during the race AND at the finish line…
I picture a sleek, buff me crossing the finish line..similar to this girl, who has obviously not run more than 3 steps for this posed photograph…
Me and the boyfriend were going to run Saturday but life got in the way so we moved it to Sunday, therefore switching the schedule for this week to running Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. It seems weird, but I was very wary of changing the schedule because I had gotten used to running Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, but I will survive the day changes. 🙂 We will see if the early Midwest February weather will permit this! Not even running outside…but driving to the gym! Currently it is snowing AND icy out and my work has been cancelled for the morning…not a good sign.
Sunday’s run was going okay until I STOPPED for a drink of water right after the second mile. If you run on a treadmill, you will know that sometimes to stop, you don’t slow the treadmill down, but put your feet on both sides of the treadmill and instantly stop. Well when I stopped, all the blood rushed to my head and I was this close to either puking or passing out. Boo on my body! So I walked for half a mile all discouraged and grumpy and feeling like a failure because we were supposed to run 3 miles. My boyfriend finished his 3 miles and when I said I wanted to try running again, like the amazing guy he is, he encouraged me and I ran the last half a mile. 🙂
I was talking that night to a former-marine friend (who likes to run miles with a 50 pound pack) and he told me that you shouldn’t stop when running AND that he usually doesn’t drink at all when he runs. Is this normal?
I ran 7 miles this past week AND I haven’t gotten sore! I drink a very small protein shake after working out as well as making sure to stretch and I’ve felt awesome afterwards! I will probably have to up my protein eventually, but for now I just use half of a scoop of protein powder and 5 oz of soy milk.
So tonight I am just praying I can keep up the running! 3 miles Tuesday, 2 miles Thursday, and a 5K run on the treadmill planned for Saturday!!
Any comments AND TIPS are welcome!
Happy running to all and to all a good night. 🙂
Good work, Amanda! 🙂
I think it’s ok to stop when you’re running, especially when you are doing intervals. Some people stop entirely and walk for a few minutes. I just pause the treadmill and take like a 30 second break to breath and drink some water before I start back up!
Hope your training continues to go well!
Okay I’m glad to know its okay to stop for a bit. I must have just been over-doing it so that’s why I felt like I was gonna fall off.
Thanks for your support and encouragement, April!! It really helps to know that someone believes I can run 13 miles..because sometimes it seems a little impossible. 🙂